Simon the Sorcerer
Simon the Sorcerer is one of the best early adventures out there, especially if you prefer
ascerbic, innuendo-laden British humour to its inane American counterpart (I am a Yank, by the
way, though of the ex-pat variety). I have a talkie CD version of the game that was originally
released in 1993. My version was produced in 2002, and purported to be XP compatible. Turns out
it wasn't. But the game runs just fine in ScummVM.
The following instructions will assume you're running on a Windows platform. First, install
Simon the Sorcerer to the following folder:
We don't really need to install the game to run it in ScummVM, but you get the game manual that
way, and it gives us a place to put our saved games. Then, if you don't already have it, you can
download the latest version of ScummVM from here:
Get the Windows Installer version. Just double-click on the .exe file you downloaded to
install ScummVM. I recommend installing to C:ScummVM (not case sensitive).
Next, we need to create a batch file to run ScummVM. The main reason for
doing this is that the command line you will use to run the game in ScummVM is quite hairy,
and you don't want to have to type it in every time you want to play. So... open Notepad, or
whatever your favourite text editor is, and copy and paste the following command line right
into it:
c:scummvmscummvm.exe -f -g hq2x --aspect-ratio -pD:SimonI simon1
The above assumes that you installed ScummVM to the place I recommended. Adjust accordingly
if otherwise. The '-g hq2x' and '--aspect-ratio' parameters are graphics settings that blend all
the otherwise blocky pixels together nicely on today's larger monitors. Unfortunately, the talkie
version of Simon the Sorcerer does not have subtitles, or we could have also chucked a '-n'
on the command line to turn them on. Also, if you don't have the same version of the game as I have,
you will have to locate the folder on the CD that contains the game executables. It may not be
SimonI .
Save that command line (Save As...) to this file:
Then, to run Simon the Sorcerer, just open a Command Prompt via:
Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
Change to the 'simon1' folder via:
cd simon1
And finally, run the batch file you just created by entering:
That's basically it :-)
Actions you need to take in-game are expressed in bold type face, like: Open door.
It's not exactly intuitive how you save, load, and quit in this game. You need to Use
Postcard to bring up the game menu.
If you find the MIDI music is drowning out the dialogue, or becomes too annoying, just use
the M key to toggle it on/off.
It's very difficult to distinguish some of the objects you need to interact with from the
background. So to save you from having to labouriously pixel hunt every screen... if you hit
F10 in any scene, it will briefly show all hot spots as flashing asterisks. You would likely
not be able to complete the game were it not for this feature.
You can travel to key locations in the game via Use Map, once you have visited said
locations. Handy shortcut to save lots of running around.
This walkthrough is done in Q & A style, which is a departure from my usual method of presentation.
It should allow you to look up the solution to a particular puzzle without spoiling other parts
of the game. In ordering the questions, I tried to follow the 'natural' sequence that you would
do things in to progress the game, but you don't have to follow this exact order. In fact,
when you get stuck it's a good idea to break off that particular train of thought and tackle
a different puzzle. Then come back to the original puzzle later, and you may think of a fresh
You start off in Calypso's cottage. You get control of Simon after he reads Calypso's note. Only
two things you need to do here:
- Open Drawer and Pick up Scissors.
- Pick up Magnet (from fridge door).
Then, it's a bit difficult finding your way around in the game world, so I've drawn some maps
for you, followed by the Q & A:

Q. How do I get past the troll?
Q. How do I get into the cottage next to the beehive?
Q. How do I get into the Dwarf Mine?
Q. How do I fell the tree next to the sleeping giant?
Q. Where do I get gold coins to buy things in the Shoppe?
Q. Where can I find the magical ring?
Q. How do I get the magical staff for the wizards?
Q. How do I get enough gold coins to pay the wizards' subscription fee?
Q. Can I buy anything besides the White spirit and Hammer in the Shoppe?
Q. How do I escape from the goblins?
Q. How do I get past the snowman?
Q. How do I get across the broken walkway that leads to the Tower of Doom?
Q. How do I get back to my normal size again?
Q. How do I use Sordid's teleporter to leave the Tower of Doom?
Q. How do I defeat Sordid?
A. Go the the forest and locate the barbarian. Then Talk to Barbarian. When you get the dialogue
option to take a look at his foot, do so. Simon removes the thorn. In return he gives you a Whistle, so
that you can call him anytime you need to. Now go to the Troll Bridge. You can try to Use Whistle
to call the barbarian, but you discover that it's blocked with something and Simon can't use it. So
Talk to Troll. Eventually... you offer to go get some goat for him. It is then that he notices
the whistle around your neck. Use a dialogue option to let the troll have the whistle, and he is able to
use it despite the blockage. The barbarian then comes and disposes of the troll for you.
A. You'll need to get past the troll first. Then go to the blacksmith in the Village, and Pick up Clapper
from the bench behind him. Now go all the way to the Cross Roads in the forest and take the southeast exit.
You arrive at the base of a Tower. Use Clapper with Bell to make it functional, then Use Bell.
A damsel in distress lets down her hair. Use Hair to climb the Tower. Simon talks to the sweet
maiden, who remains half hidden behind a screen. When you agree to save her, she reveals her true
countenance (half maiden, half piglet). Simon kisses her then, and she reverts to her original form...
thus you wind up with Repulser in your inventory.
Go to the Drunken Druid pub next, and Pick up Matches (top of fruit machine). Now go to the
cottage with the beehive next to it, and Use Repulser with Chocolate truffle door to gain entrance.
Go inside, Pick up Hat, and Pick up Smokebox. Then go back outside, stand near the beehive,
and Use Matches with Smokebox. Simon dons the beekeeper's hat and gets rid of the bees. Then
Pick up Wax from beehive.
A. You'll need the Wax you obtained from the beehive. Then if you haven't already done so, go to the Owl
Tree, chat with the owl (note for later: he tells you about a magic ring in the river), and Pick up
Feather. Now go to the Drunken Druid pub, and Use Scissors with Dwarf to obtain a Beard. Next,
Talk to Barman, and when you get the dialogue option for him to make you a cocktail, choose it.
When the barman ducks down to look for a cocktail ingredient, Use Wax with Beer barrel (on a keg
behind him). The next time he goes to pull a beer for the guy at the bar, he'll think the keg is empty, and
he takes it outside. He then gives you a Beer voucher (ostensibly for your father). Exit the pub, and
Pick up Beer.
Now you can head for the Dwarf Mine (Centre of the Forest). Just outside the mine, Pick up Rock
then Look at Rock. It has the word 'Beer' chalked on it. Next, Wear Beard, and now you can
enter the mine. When asked for the password, of course it is 'Beer'. Once inside the mine, head down the
steps to the right. Use Feather with Dwarf (the sleeping one), and he rolls over. Pick up Key.
Then head upstairs and try to go down the steps to the left. The guard blocks your way. Select the dialogue
option: "Do you accept bribes?", then Give Beer to Guard. Now you can head down those steps and
Use Key with Door. The guard inside the treasury immediately accosts you. Choose the dialogue option:
"I've come to make YOU an offer", followed by the one that says you have something for him in your inventory.
Then Give Beer voucher to Guard, and mention the pile of gems. He gives you a Gem as a reward, and
tosses you out. While you're here, Pick up Hook just outside the treasury door.
A. Go to the Witch's Cottage, Use Handle (on the well), and Pick up Bucket of water. Then
visit the oaf (scene just to left of Cross Roads). Talk to Oaf, and suggest that he water his magic
beans to make them grow. Simon then uses the Bucket of water on the beans, but nothing happens. Simon exits
the scene, but then you can go right back and Pick up Beans (from the Puddle). Now travel back to
the Village, and go behind Calypso's cottage. Use Beans with Compost, then Pick up Water-melon.
Now go to the scene where the bard is playing a sousaphone (northwest exit from Troll Bridge). Simon exits
the scene the first time after talking to the bard because he can't stand the noise. But then you can go right
back and Use Water-melon with Sousaphone. The bard then gives you the Sousaphone, ostensibly to repair
it ;-)
Go to the Centre of the Forest (Dwarf Mine), and take the northeast exit. From there, walk into the Cave
Entrance, go through the cave, continue past the Swampling's hut into the swamp, into the next scene where
there is a Gruesome statue, the next where there is a Small statue, and finally you arrive at a scene where
there is a giant fast asleep next to a tree. Use Sousaphone here and the giant throws out his arm,
knocking over the tree in the process.
A. You'll need the Gem you got from the dwarf in the Dwarf Mine treasury. Then go to the Village and Talk
to Dodgy Geezer. When you get the option to offer him something from your inventory, Give Gem to Dodgy
Geezer. Then negotiate with him until he gives you 20 Gold coins for it (note: you can accept less in a
pinch, as there is a way to get more gold coins later on). Now that you have some money, let's go to the
Shoppe. Pick up White spirit (1 gold coin) and Pick up Hammer (2 gold coins, and you get a
free Nail in the bargain). Both items are just to the left of the Shopkeeper.
A. You might remember, if you chatted to the wise owl, that he alluded to there being a magical ring in the
river. Go to the druid's place in the Village (there's a wagon wheel leaning against the wall of it). While
you're here, might as well Pick up Cold remedy from the table. Then go upstairs and Pick up
Specimen jar.
Travel to the Swampling's hut (through the cave). He'll sit you down and bring you some 'lovely stew'.
Simon eats the first bowl, and the swampling brings another. This time, Use Specimen jar with Stew to
get a sample. Finally, the swampling brings you one more bowl. Consume Stew, and that finishes off the
batch. The swampling then leaves to go collect more ingredients, and now you can Move Chest to reveal a
trap door. Open Trapdoor then Walk to Ladder, and you wind up on a pier in the swamp. When you
try to cross the pier, you'll discover that there is a loose plank. Use Nail with Plank to fasten it,
and you can now walk across the pier. Pick up Frogsbane from the top of the huge skull while you are here.
A. Go to the back room of the Drunken Druid pub and have a chat with the wizards. Remember when you are speaking
to them that your goal is to become a wizard. You discover that if you can manage to fetch a certain magical
staff for them, that they will make you a wizard as a reward. Right then...
You'll need to have rescued the 'fair maiden' from the tower first. Then if you haven't already done so, go
to the druid's place and Pick up Ladder. Now go see the woodcutter in the forest. Keep talking to him
until you get the Metal detector. Then go into the mountains to the scene where there is a Small statue (one
screen to the west of the Sleeping Giant), and Use Metal detector. Hmm. Looks like there might be some
of the famed 'milrith' here, but we'll need to find a way to dig for it. Simon leaves the Metal detector there.
Next, head east into the mountains until you come to the Dragon's Cave. Enter, and the dragon blows Simon back
outside with a mighty sneeze. You'll need the Cold remedy that you got from the druid's place. Then enter the
cave again, and Use Cold remedy with Dragon. Simon goes back outside once more and tosses the Cold remedy
into the cave. Now you can safely enter the cave and Pick up Fire extinguisher. Now go to the east, one
screen past the Dragon's Cave. Pick up Rock, and Look at Rock. Simon observes that there is a
fossil inside. Head back to the blacksmith in the Village, and Use Rock with Anvil. Now the Fossil is
revealed. Travel to the archaeological dig in the forest (one screen to the west of the Dwarf Mine), and
Talk to Hole to strike up a conversation with the famous Dr. von Jones. When you get the dialogue choice
that alludes to you having a fossil in your possession, the conversation will end. Give Fossil to Hole
then, and tell the doctor that the place you found the fossil is in the Craggy Peaks where you left your Metal
detector. Now head back there (Dr. von Jones already has a hole dug), and Look at Dirt. Then Pick up
Milrith ore. Head back to the Village again, and Give Milrith ore to Blacksmith. He fashions an Axe
head from it. Give Axe head to Woodcutter, and he leaves to go cut down some trees. Now you can go inside
his place...
Pick up Climbing pin from the table beside the door, then Use Fire extinguisher with Fireplace.
Next, Move Hook to reveal a secret hideaway. Pick up Mahogany down there, and take it back to the
tree stump where the woodworms are. Talk to Tree stump, and Simon acquires some Woodworm. To the tower
Use Hair to climb the tower once more, then Use Woodworm with Floorboards. You arrive on the
ground floor of the tower. Pick up Wedge (it's right behind Simon, and was blocking the door to the
tower). Now Use Ladder with Hole and then Walk to Ladder. At the bottom, Open Tomb.
No matter which dialogue choice you take when the mummy emerges, Simon screams and runs away. Now you can
return and Open Tomb again. Pick up Loose bandage at the rear end of the mummy to unravel him.
Finally, you can Pick up Staff.
A. When you deliver the magical Staff to the wizards, you'll discover that they require a 30-gold coin 'subscription
fee' before they'll make you a wizard. The most coins you could get off the Dodgy Geezer was 20, and you've spent a
few of those, so where do you get the rest? Fortunately, there is another source of gold in the game. Remember what
the dragon is sleeping on? Right. If you haven't done so already, head for the blacksmith's place and Pick up
Rope. In inventory, Use Rope with Magnet to obtain a Rope & magnet. You'll also need the grappling
Hook you retrieved from just outside the treasury room door in the Dwarf Mine. Travel to the Dragons's Cave and
Use Hook with Boulder, then Walk to Boulder to climb up. You can Use Rope & magnet with Hole
there as many times as you like. Two goes ought to do it, as you get 8 Gold coins each time. In inventory, you can
Look at Gold coins to make sure you have more than the required 30 coins. Then return to the wizards and
Give Gold coins to Wizard. You get a useless WizKid wallet in return. But you ARE a wizard now. Really.
A. Well, not exactly. But further iteraction with the shopkeeper is crucial to progressing the game. First, you'll
need to have fished the magical Ring out of the river. Then head for the Centre of the Forest, and take the steps
to the northwest. There are some large doors here, but they can apparently only be opened from the inside. Pick
up Paper, and it turns out to be a Shopping list. Go back to the Shoppe and Give Shopping list to
Shopkeeper. He/they says your stuff will be waiting outside. Indeed it is (but you'll have to exit the Shoppe
entrance scene and then come back in order for it to appear). Use Box, and Simon climbs inside. Then the box
gets collected, and you wind up... in a storeroom somewhere.
Open Box, and Simon tosses it aside. Simon is invisible as he's wearing the ring. Best leave it on for the
moment. Look at Boxes and then Pick up Spell book. Next, Look at Spell book, and Simon discovers
a loose piece of Paper in it. Pick up Rat bone from the centre of the floor, then Use Paper with Door.
Now Use Rat bone with Lock, and Pick up Paper to retrieve a Key. Use Key with Lock to exit the
A. Once you've exited the storeroom (see just above), you'll encounter a goblin Guard. Don't worry. Assuming you are
wearing the magical ring, he can't see you. Pick up Bucket and then Look at Bucket. Simon observes that
there's a hole in it. Head down the steps and you find a druid tied to a rack. Talk to Druid, but your
disembodied voice freaks him out, and he thinks you're a demon. Remove Ring, and now you have to convince him
that you're not a demon. Finally, you learn that he can turn into a frog when he sees the full moon. Hmm. Pick
up Mints while you're at it, then Pick up Flaming brand. Next, Use Bucket with Druid (the metal one
with the hole in it), and Use Flaming brand with Druid. He turns into a frog and makes his escape through the
bars. Simon hears someone coming then. Quickly, Open Iron maiden and walk into it... the druid returns a few
days later, still in frog form. Pick up Hacksaw (from the druid's mouth) and Use Hacksaw with Bars to
make your escape.
You'll need the Frogsbane that you got from the huge skull at back of the Swampling's hut. Then go to the Druid's
place and talk to him. Seems he's willing to give you a powerful potion in return for you permanently restoring him to
human form. After the conversation ends and he morphs back into a frog, Give Frogsbane to Frog. The Druid
returns to human form and gives you a Potion.
A. You'll need a Climbing pin that you got from the Woodcutter's place. Then travel into the mountains until you
encounter a scene with a series of climbing pins. One of them is missing. Use Climbing pin with Hole, and
Simon goes all the way to the top. There is a scary snowman there. Consume Mints (that you found in the goblins'
place), and Simon breathes on the snowman to melt him. Continue along the path, and you come to a walkway leading to
the base of the Tower of Doom. The walkway crumbles when you try to cross it though :-
A. You'll no doubt have encountered the witch by now. That broom of hers might come in handy. But first, we'll need to
learn some magic words so that we can defeat her in a duel. Go to the scene with the climbing pins and take the
(non-obvious!) path to the east that goes under the pins. Talk to Tree, and you discover that he knows some
magic words, but he wants you to remove that pink paint the woodcutter has marked him with first. So Use White
spirit with Pink splodge, and then Talk to Tree again. Simon duly memorises some magic words.
Travel to the Witch's Cottage next. The first time you enter and try to Pick up Broom, she just turfs you
out. When you enter the cottage again, she'll challenge you to a contest with her broom as the prize. Agree to duel
with her, and it turns out to be a scissors-paper-rock kinda thing, only with reciting magic words to turn into
various animal forms. Unfortunately, it's a random game. First to three wins, but you can try as many times as you
like by re-entering the cottage after you lose. When Simon is finally victorious, he picks up the Broom. But then
the witch 'cheats' by turning into a dragon and blocking the door. Use magic words (I think it's always Abracadabra
though) until Simon morphs into a mourse. Then you can Walk to Mouse Hole (by the rocking chair) to make
your escape.
Now you can return to the broken walkway (Outside Tower on your map) and Use Broom. Simon crashes into
the door at the base of the tower, but at least you've made it across. Note that there is a crack at the base of
the door. Consume Potion (that the druid gave you), and now Simon is small enough to fit through the crack.
Once inside, you bump into Calypso's mutt who picks you up and deposits you through a mouse hole into the tower
garden. You wind up with some of the dog's Hair in your inventory.
A. Assuming you've just arrived in the garden of the Tower of Doom, and being greatly reduced in stature...
Pick up Leaf, then Look at Bucket. Simon walks inside the bucket and finds a Matchstick. Also
Pick up Stone (just to the left of the bucket). Now head west and try to Pick up Lily leaf. Simon
falls in, but manages to drag the leaf to shore. Next, Use Matchstick with Lily leaf (a mast) and Use
Leaf with Matchstick (a sail). Now you can Walk to Puddle's centre using your crude boat. But it's not
deep enough, and you run aground. Head back and Pick up Seeds (the ones hanging in pods over the puddle).
Use Stone with Seeds and now you have some Oil. Go back to shore and Use Oil with Tap to lubricate
it. Then Use Hair with Tap to turn it and fill up the puddle with some more water. Now you can make it
On the other side of the puddle, you encounter a frog. Look at Water, then Pick up Tadpole. You
can then Talk to Frog, and choose the: "Out of the way or the tadpole gets it!" dialogue option. Now
Pick up Mushroom and Consume Mushroom to return Simon to his normal size. On your way back through
the garden, Pick up Branch from the tree there.
A. When you re-enter the Tower of Doom from the garden, there is a menacing Chest with big teeth blocking your
way. Simon runs back outside. Now you can re-enter, and Use Branch with Chest (the Branch you got from the
garden) to jam its mouth open and render it harmless. Then Pick up Spear and Pick up Shield. Now
head down to the dungeon, and Use Spear with Skull to dislodge it, then Pick up Skull. Go the the
far right of the dungeon and Pick up Chest. Then Move Lever (centre of dungeon) to raise the stone
block, Use Chest with Stone block, and Move Lever again to crush the chest. Then Move Lever
once more and Pick up Candles. Now head up to the first floor, which appears to be Sordid's bedroom.
On the first floor, Look at Mirror then Talk to Mirror. This is not your garden-variety mirror.
Apparently, it can eavesdrop for you anywhere there is a reflective surface for it to make use of. Hmm. Pick up
Magic wand from in front of the mirror, then Pick up Book from the divan and Look at Book. It
appears that you must eventually throw this wand into the Fiery Pits of Rondor to destroy it. Next, Pick up
Pouch from the bed, then Pick up Sock and Use Sock with Pouch. Finally, Use Pouch with Hole
to trap a Mouse. Now head up to the second floor (lab).
The demons decide to ignore you for the moment. Pick up Book from the bookshelf in the centre of the
lab, then look at it in inventory. It contains a spell for banishing demons to hell. You will need: a double
square with 8 candles (check), a mouse (check), and a human skull (check). You also need to know the demons' true
names. Oh. So, Look at Teleporter then Talk to Demons. They will tell you how to operate the
teleporter if you can banish them back to hell as a favour. But of course, they will not reveal their true names
in conversation. So... Pick up Chemicals from the round table, and Use Chemicals with Shield to make
it nice and shiny. Then Use Shield with Hook, head back downstairs, and have the scrying mirror eavesdrop
on the demons to learn their true names. Return to the lab then, and Talk to Demons again. Now you can
initiate the ritual by selecting the dialogue option to draw a double square on the floor... once the demons have
vanished, Walk to Teleporter and select the dialogue option that takes you (on a one way trip) to the
Fiery Pits of Rondor.
A. At the Fiery Pits of Rondor, we first need to get by the attendant. So Talk to Attendant and of course
no way are you going to get by him without paying. During the conversation though, he gives you some Brochures.
Look at Brochures to obtain an Elastic band. Then Pick up Sapling, and also Pick up Pebble.
Now you can Use Elastic band with Sapling to fashion a Catapult. Next, Use Catapult with Bell to
set off the fire alarm, and the attendant leaves. Pick up Souvenir matches from the counter, and now you
can head into the Pits.
Cross the bridge and Pick up Floor wax. Sordid is in the next room. Use Magic wand with Sordid,
and you've turned him to stone. Hey, that was almost too easy. Now you need to destroy the wand, so Use Souvenir
matches with Pits to re-ignite the lava, then Use Magic wand with Lava. Uh oh. That of course turned
all the affected people back to normal, including Sordid! And now you've made him mad. Just before Sordid zaps
you into oblivion, the phone rings. It's Calypso thanking you for saving them all. No matter which dialogue
options you choose after the call ends though, Sordid zaps you into the chasm in the next room, and it looks
like all is lost. But Simon miraculously survives and climbs back up. Go back to the Pits and Use Floor wax
with Sordid to finish him off and end the game :-)
See the Review of Simon the Sorcerer.
Copyright © Steve Metzler 2010.
All rights reserved.