Jade Empire (XBOX)
Note: all images, The History of the Jade Empire section, the text in each chapter heading,
and the fighting style descriptions are copyright © Bioware and Microsoft, 2005.
Additional note: all spelling in this guide, except where used in the title of a fighting
or something else that is immutable, is in English as practiced in Ireland. So no,
those are
not spelling errors ;-)
Introduction Jade Empire is a landmark console role-playing
game. Though the character development and puzzle elements are less rich than in your standard
PC fare, the story, pacing, cinematic effects, and dialogue are otherwise excellent. Here
a bit of the introduction from the manual to whet your appetite:
The Jade Empire. Fashioned
the Void by the will of the Great Dragon and blessed from its creation, the empire stands
at the
heart of the civilised world - a cultural wellspring in a sea of barbarity.
The majesty of the Sun Dynasty has guided our people for generations, preserving our prosperity
throughout the ages. The peace of the realm was broken only when nature itself rebelled,
the land in a decade of thirst. But even this the Emperor Sun Hai would not allow.
For when
he declared the Long Drought at an end, it was so.
Though you were raised far from the benevolent gaze of the Emperor, you have learned much
in Two Rivers - including control over your body and the mastery of your mind. But the
of your time at this borderland school draws near. Now, experience will replace lessons
you travel beyond the shelter of Two Rivers. Remember that though the reach of the Empire
far, powerful spirits lurk just beneath the surface, and the threat of chaos is
ever present.
It is natural that as an orphan, you would have many questions. And while your enquiries
this point have been met with silence, perhaps on this day, answers at last will find
Tips Firstly, this guide is for the XBOX version of the
I haven't played the PC version, but here is a pretty good rundown of the differences
the two versions: link
article on GameFAQs.com.
There are a lot of moral choices to make in this game, and you can play it by following
of two main philosophical paths:
The Way of the Open Palm: I suppose this is the 'good' way to play the game. When
with a choice, put the concerns of others ahead of those of your own. Never demand
or accept
a reward for a deed you have done when a simple thank you will do instead.
The Way of the Closed Fist: this is the 'evil' way. Just think selfishly, and always
accept short term gains, damn the consequences. Make it a point to piss people off at every
opportunity. You get the idea.
It doesn't really seem to matter which path you choose. Power in this game comes by the
of magical gems, and there are 'good' and 'evil' versions of each gem. There are one
or two
fighting styles that are only available to followers of each path, but again, these
are very similar. In the end, it's up to you. I make no recommendation in this respect.
At the very start of the game, you must
a character. Basically, you are choosing two fighting styles that complement each
other: a
martial style and a support style. Martial styles are the flamboyant styles that
do all the
damage. Support styles are used to slow down your opponents, to set them up for
a martial style
There are only six starting characters to choose from in Jade Empire, and there is some
to accommodate male/female choices of the same character type. Here are the six characters
and their starting compositions. You can accept each character as is, or customise them to
suit your needs. You don't even have to take the starting martial style, but you are stuck
with the support style. Detailed information on the various fighting styles can be found
the end of this guide.
 | Tiger Shen
Type: Strong Starting Styles: White Demon, Heavenly Wave | Tiger Shen starts off slowly, but powerfully. You can eventually
get him
to speed up a bit, but this is definitely your brawn over brains type of character. |
 | Radiant Jen Zi
Character Type: Fast Starting Styles: Thousand Cuts, Heavenly Wave |
Jen Zi is the female version of the fast character. Thousand
Cuts is aptly named. Very fast. |
 | Scholar Ling
Character Type: Magic Starting Styles: Leaping Tiger, Heavenly Wave | Scholar Ling is one of the most formidable starting characters,
and the one that adapts the most easily to magic styles, once they become available. Leaping
Tiger is great fun to watch. |
 | Lu the Prodigy
Character Type: Balanced Starting Styles: Legendary Strike, Heavenly Wave |
This is the male version of the Balanced character
Legendary Strike is, of course, a balanced martial style: not too fast, yet quite powerful. |
 | Wu the Lotus Blossom
Character Type: Balanced Starting Styles: Legendary Strike, Heavenly Wave |
This is the female version of the Balanced character
type. Again, the martial style is Legendary Strike. |
 | Furious Ming
Character Type: Fast Starting Styles: Thousand Cuts, Heavenly Wave | Furious Ming is the male version of the fast character. Thousand
Cuts is the starting martial style. |
Wherever you see a yellow flag on your map,
to the person at that location will normally result in you obtaining a quest.
In this guide, quests are documented in the area that you receive them in. The area you
complete them in may be further afield.
From time to time, you receive or pick up items that you can use somewhere. In Jade Empire,
these are referred to as 'plot items', but we all know them more commonly as your inventory.
To access your inventory, go to your Journal screen, then use the 'X' button to examine these
Plot Items in detail.
There is a mini-game that involves trying to shoot down enemy aircraft while you are in
a flyer,
en route to various destinations through the course of the game. I have little interest
such things, so I didn't bother to partake. Fortunately, you can choose whether or not
to play
this mini-game on each occasion.
You will spend a large part of time in the Jade Empire, well, fighting. There are three
- Student.
- Master.
- Grand Master.
I suppose the difficulty level you choose depends largely on what you want to get out of
game. I would recommend Student if you are here mostly for the story. You can basically
right in without having to worry about replaying all but the most difficult of battles.
is doable, but you will have to concentrate harder during your fights, and evade/roll
a lot
more. You may wind up repeating quite a few fights. Grand Master is only for those
with quick
reflexes, and great patience. The great thing is, you can change the difficulty
level prior
to any especially hard battle, and then change back again to your default level
of difficulty.
Whenever the journal icon flashes at the top left of your screen, it's a good idea to nick
into your journal to see what new quest you have received.
You may only have one 'follower' at a time aiding you in combat. They can either fight
you, or assist you by topping up your Health, Chi, or Focus (depending on the follower).
found it best to have them fight. They don't do too much damage, but they at least distract
one enemy at a time, taking a bit of the enemy focus away from you.
Whenever you level up, or use gems, consider keeping a bit of balance between Body, Spirit,
and Mind. Magic users can bolster Spirit at the expense of other things to fuel their magic
attacks, and weapon users can boost Focus to feed their weapon, but I wouldn't go too far
balance. There are situations later in the game where all three attributes are essential.
At least read the section in the manual concerning Fighting Styles. It's important to know
what types of creatures are immune to each style so that you can plan ahead for decisive
Harmonic Combos do not play as big a role in the game as they do in the manual or in the
descriptions of fighting styles. Usually, a power attack ('X' button) in a support
or magic
style can initiate a Harmonic Combo. You then switch to a martial style to finish
off your
opponent. Nice when it happens, but not such a big deal.
When detailing what you get from completing quests, I did not include either the XP or
gained from defeating enemies that are part of the quest. For one thing, the amount
of silver
gained is random. So just consider these benefits to be... incidental.
I almost despair of having to repeat this essential advice, but here goes once again: save
the game at every opportunity where you get a breather. You never know when you are about
mess up a conversation, or get yourself killed in battle.
And now, without further ado...
Chapter 1 Wherein a Master foretells of doom, A rival
for station, And the past haunts the present.
Your training nears its completion in the idyllic setting of Two Rivers. Master Li promises
that soon you will know more of how you came here and where your future will lead. All the
while, strange tales begin to spread of ghosts that will not rest and shadowy assassins who
heed no law.
You meet Jing Woo in the sparring ring. Agree to fight
him. This is your first bit of training, and you have to follow the instructions given. Once
control is passed back to your character save the game, for this is your starting point.
have received Quest 1 below, which is to speak with Master Li, but first a little exploration
is in order...
Seek out Smiling Mountain. You can't afford his tutelage yet, but remember this option
later on when you have a few silver. Once you can afford it, you should buy only one
from him, as they offset each other. I also thought these techniques were, at 400
silver a
pop, rather expensive for what you get. For instance, adding 3 to your Chi when
you already
have 160 points worth results in a mere 2% gain. Though, I suppose every bit
helps in a pinch.
Anyway, here are the various options:
Technique | Cost |
What you get | Most
benefit to | Belly of Iron | 400 silver | Health +3 Chi -1 |
Any character that feels they need a health boost |
Heart of Gold | 400
silver | Chi +3 Focus -1 | Magic
users | Mind of Steel | 400 silver | Focus +3 Health -1 |
Weapon users |
You can fight a few of Smiling Mountain's students for 10 XP, but this soon becomes boring
as they are quite easily defeated. You only accrue 10 XP no matter how many times you fight,
so don't spend too long here.
This is a good time to become familiar with the mapping system. Use the 'X' key to turn
the mini-map. Hit 'X' again to double the size of the map. If you need to look at the
map for an area, go into the menu. Then you can use the Navigate button to highlight
the various
points of interest.
If you head for the gazebo in the west and speak to Wen, you get the opportunity to spar
him as well. This proves to be a little more worthwhile, as you get 32 XP for this endeavour.
Again, you only receive the XP once, so no use fighting him again and again, unless you feel
you need the practice. But for the best practice attainable at this stage of the game, go
to the sparring ring where you first encountered Jing Woo and arrange a match with Lin.
don't get any points for defeating her, but you get a good taste of what's to come! Keep
fights with Lin until you can best her most of the time. Then you are truly ready
to face your
first real battles. One thing you should practice is using the Switch Style
('+' button) to
select Heavenly Wave, using it to slow your opponent down, then switching
back to your primary
style to finish them off. Remember that you can pause combat at any
time with the Back button
should you need to gather your thoughts.
Once you're comfortable with your fledgling fighting skills, approach Master Li's house
the east, and have your first run-in with Gao the Lesser on the steps as you approach.
Go inside
and talk to Master Li. See Quest 1 below.
- 1. A Master's Teachings: Speak with Master Li
- Quest 2.
Master Li informs you
that it is time to leave the school. You have probably
already figured out that you are the
premier student. During the conversation, a student
approaches to advise that bandits have
attacked the town. Master Li then breaks off the conversation,
and you get Quest 2. There is
a Scroll stand and a Bookstand on Master Li's front porch,
whereby you can gain 20 XP by doing
a bit of light reading at each.
- 2. A Master's Teachings: Find Dawn Star - your first follower.
Head to the SE, exit
via the school gate, and pick up Dawn Star. There is a Spirit Font and
Focus Shrine close to
here, should you require a top-up of either. Then exit to Two Rivers
when you are ready.
- 3. The Lions of Two Rivers: An Ancient Test - 1 XP and 1 silver coin.
There is a
lion statue in the room behind where you talked to Master Li. Obtain the figurines
from the
chest nearby. Then approach the altar:
(Open Palm) Feed the figurines to the statue according to the colour that is presented.
can do this as many times as you wish for more XP and silver, but really...
(Closed Fist) Destroy the altar. You get 25 silver worth of immediate gratification, but
statue is destroyed and you lose the figurines.
- 4. The Lions of Two Rivers: Playing by New Rules - Gaze of the Lion.
In the NE area
of the school grounds is the tomb of an old master of the school. If you part
with the silver
you got from Quest 3, you receive a Lion Head Token in return. Return to
the lion statue in
the back room of Master Li's, and place this Lion Head Token in the mouth
of the lion statue.
Now it appears that the statue is looking for a green figurine? Well,
not exactly...
- Place the blue figurine on the altar, followed by the yellow one. You have now
a green combination, and the statue responds by changing the required colour to
- Remove
the blue figurine, and place the red figurine on the altar. The statue
responds by changing
the colour to purple.
- Remove the yellow figurine, and place the
blue figurine on the altar.
You have just learned the technique called Gaze of the Lion, which adds 2 points to both
Health and Focus.
- 5. Kia Min: Ask Old Ming About Herbs - Two Rivers Quests 3 and 4.
After you return
from the battle on the beach, talk to Kia Min, who is standing next to Jing
Woo outside Master
Li's house. She was wounded in the battle, and could help to make up a
record number of students
to face you in order to gain a 'special prize' from Smiling Mountain...
were it not for this
wound. She mentions that Old Ming might know of a herb that could cure
her quickly. So head
back to the beach and talk to Old Ming. On your way back to the beach,
if you speak to the
villager at the end of the path, you get Two Rivers Quest 2. Anyway...
Old Ming informs you
that a Red Silk Grass Poultice is necessary to properly heal Kia Min.
You can buy a Bearded
Tongue Grass Poultice for less, but that will not properly heal her
and she may become permanently
injured as a result. You thus receive Two Rivers Quests 3
and 4. Go to the merchant Fen Do
to buy either poultice.
- 6. A Master's Teachings: Answer Gao's Challenge - 370 XP and Quest 7.
Gao is probably
the most difficult challenge you have yet to face, but he's not impossible
to defeat. At the
end of the contest he tries to use a forbidden magical style on you, but
Master Li intervenes
and expels him from the school for trying this on. You get 200 XP for
defeating Gao, plus 370
XP more for completing this quest. You now have Quest 7.
- 7. A Master's Teachings: Learn More from Master Li - learn about your
history and destiny,
and obtain Quest 8.
Go speak with Master Li once again. Well,
this is a bit hard to digest
in one gulp. Master Li is none other than a brother of the Emperor!
He apparently rescued you
as a baby after he rebelled against his brother, who wrongfully
killed your people. And now
the emperor and his evil minions, including this nasty-looking
piece of work known as Death's
Hand, have stumbled upon yourself and Master Li once again,
even though you two have been hiding
out in the furthest corner of the Empire. Bummer, but
I suppose it wouldn't be much of a game
otherwise, eh?
Once this conversation has reached an end, Master Li sends you into the spirit cave. See
- 8. A Master's Teachings: Explore the Spirit Cave - Dragon Amulet and
a magic style of
your choice.
Advance into the cave, and read Master Li's instructions
on the gate, which
then opens. Head further into the cave and take the Dragon Amulet from
the pillar in the north.
Equip the Flawed Warrior Gem in the amulet, and this increases your
Health by 10... but it
also attracts some spirits who are drawn by the amulet's magic power.
Defeat them. There is
a vase in the west part of this chamber from which you can recover
55 silver, and one to the
NE where you get 45 silver and a Health power-up. When you are
ready, approach the gate to
the north and select the option hold up the Dragon Amulet. You
can now read Master Li's inscription,
and the gate opens to allow you access to the next
part of the caves.
Soon there is another gate. Save your game before entering here, as a tough battle is about
to ensue. Once you defeat the old master and the two demons he has summoned, you are visited
by a benevolent spirit. You learn that you are the last of your kind, a Spirit Monk. She
grant you a magic style, but you can choose only one of fire (Dire Flame) or ice (Ice
Once she disappears, you have received Quest 9. But first, access the two Scroll
stands for
some more knowledge of the spirit world. Get the 100 silver from the bones, and
open the chest
there to learn a technique called Structured Body (Health +3, Intimidation
+1), and also acquire
another gem for your Dragon Amulet.
- 9. A Master's Teachings: Exit the Spirit Cave - return to the real world.
The mysterious
spirit has created a portal behind you. Once you have finished exploring the
spirit cave, enter
the portal to return to Master Li. As you are talking to Master Li, Jing
Woo interrupts, and
you get Quest 10.
- 10. The Search for Dawn Star: Find Dawn Star - Dawn Star becomes your
follower again.
Jing Woo informs Master Li that Dawn Star has been kidnapped, apparently
by Gao and his men.
Master Li suggests that she might be somewhere in the marshlands. He
gives you 250 silver,
and advises you to buy some more essence gems from Smiling Mountain,
which he in turn obtained
from Fen Do. These will cost you 200 silver each. Remember that
if you un-equip one of your
currently equipped gems, you can sell it back to Smiling Mountain
for 100 silver.
Head for Two Rivers then, and as soon as you enter the village you learn that Gao went
by here
dragging a sack, and that he killed the unfortunate student Si Pat who foolishly
tried to question
him. It seems you might have a chance of catching Gao before he leaves
the village. So make
your way to the town gate all the way to the north, and you come upon
two of Gao's men standing
over a fallen gate guard. You should be able to use Intimidation
to get rid of them. If not,
you will have to fight them. The gate guard (Yung) has now recovered.
Talk to him then, and
you get Two Rivers Quest 6.
Take care of the two bandits, then head through
archway to the north and locate weapon master Gujin's store. Choose either the legendary
sword, Fortune's Favorite, or the famed staff, Golden Star, depending on your fighting
preference. A sword naturally deals out more damage, but a staff is good for keeping
at arm's length, as you would have learned by sparring with Lin. Then head back
to the town
square and dispatch the bandits there. Remember, if you want to use your weapon
instead of
your primary martial arts style, you need to switch to that weapon style. Weapons
also consume
Focus points. If you need to top-up after that skirmish, there is a Focus Shrine
in Gujin's
store and a Spirit Font just north of there. Finally, head east to the beach,
and engage in
your first major battle. You even get to fight some spirits (also remember
that weapon styles
are useless against spirits). Use the Block ('B') key in combination with
the left-hand joystick
to dodge the cannon blasts during the battle. Master Li intervenes
at the very end, so you
don't have to fight the big bad guy. Awh. It seems that Master Li
was recognised by this bandit
leader. You thus receive Quest 1 below.
After the battle, talk to Ni Joh:
(Open Palm) Assure him that his father is alive and well, and you get some Open Palm points.
(Closed Fist) Tell him that his father was weak, and deserved to die. Closed Fist points
You can also talk at length with Old Ming for some historical perspective. Then head back
the village, and you bump into Mrs. Jong at the end of the path that leads from the
Dawn Star speaks to her concerning her deceased son. No matter which conversation
choice you
pick afterwards, you don't seem to gain or lose anything from this encounter.
I suppose the
point is to just teach you a bit about the spirit world. After speaking with
her, backtrack
a bit and go through the cave to collect the Bandit's Loot (95 silver).
Back at the village square, the merchant Fen Do doesn't have anything for purchase right
so only worth it to strike up a conversation if you feel like some more idle chatter.
are some drunks just to the south of the square, Gao's henchmen as it turns out, that
you can
dispatch for some silver. You don't seem to gain any Closed Fist points for picking
this fight.
Also 25 silver in a barrel there.
When you are finished exploring, return to the school.
Back at the school, you can purchase a technique from Smiling Mountain if you have managed
to amass more than 400 silver as a result of defeating the bandits. Then go in to see Master
Li to complete Quest 1 below...
- 1. A Master's Teachings: Return to Master Li -
School Quest 6.
Master Li tells
you about facing challenges in a spirit cave to complete
your training, but Gao jumps in and
demands equal rights. He challenges you to a duel to
see who gets the privilege to enter this
cave. See School Quest 6.
- 2. An Unfortunate Debt - 40 XP.
Speak to the villager at the
end of the path near
the beach. He owes Gao the Greater 20 silver - the price of a small
pig, if you must know:
(Open Palm) Use Charm or whatever to coerce him into allowing you to pay his debt. Open
points for this, natch.
(Closed Fist) Tell him that you think he's just looking for a handout. You don't get any
Fist points for this, or any XP. But at least you avoid gaining Open Palm points.
- 3. Kia Min: Acquire a Red Silk Grass Poultice - Quest 5.
Palm) Fen Do is asking
50 silver for the Red Silk Grass Poultice, but you can use whichever
is strongest of your Charm,
Intuition, or Intimidation skills to get the price knocked down
to 40 silver. This poultice
will properly heal Kia Min.
- 4. Kia Min: Acquire a Bearded Tongue Grass Poultice - Quest 5.
(Closed Fist) Speak
to Fen Do and buy the Bearded Tongue Grass Poultice. You can talk him
down to a price of 20
silver. By being a cheapskate, you make Kia Min feel well enough to
fight knowing that she
will become crippled as a result.
- 5. Kia Min: Deliver the poultice to Kia Min - Alloyed Body plus 100 silver.
No matter
which poultice you purchased from Fen Do, presenting it to Kia Min will allow her
to round
out the numbers so that you may win a 'special prize' from Smiling Mountain for
facing a record
number of students simultaneously in sparring.
(Open Palm) Accept no payment from Kia Min for Open Palm points.
(Closed Fist) Lie to Kia Min that the poultice cost you 50 silver. She pays up, and you
Closed Fist points.
In either case, save your game first, and you can now approach Smiling Mountain, who offers
to let you face a record number of 5 students. As a reward you get some silver, and learn
technique Alloyed Body, which adds 5 points each to both your Health and Focus. Not bad.
(Closed Fist) If you gave Kia Min the inferior poultice, she is crippled after the training,
and you get Closed Fist points. Then talk to Kia Min and let her know what you did to her,
for yet more Closed Fist points.
- 6. The Search for Dawn Star: Pursue Gao to the marshes - 90 XP.
You receive this
quest after talking to the Two Rivers gate guard as you are chasing after
Gao, who has kidnapped
Dawn Star. So now we enter the swamp. See section on Swamp below.
- 7. The Burning Town: Find Survivors - leave the village forever.
Make your way towards
the burning village by heading SW. You come upon two of Gao the Greater's
men killing off survivors.
Easily dispatched. Keep heading west through the gate. A Spirit
Font and Focus Shrine are here
should you need them. Continuing along the path, you might
bump into Kia Min. If so, she advises
you to head to the school to help the remaining survivors.
You engage in a fight with quite
a few of Gao's men this time, and finally catch up with
Dawn Star as she attends to a dying
Jing Woo.
It turns out that Sagacious Zu knows quite a lot about the Lotus Assassins that were sent
capture Master Li, and of their leader, Death's Hand... because he was once one of them!
suggests that you all head for the Imperial City in Gao's flyer, as this is the best place
to pick up the trail of Master Li.
You get the choice of whether to attack the flyers between here and Tien's Landing, or
to evade.
Your choice. Zu crash-lands the flyer on the outskirts of Tien's Landing, and you
have made
it to Chapter 2.
There is a ruined gazebo right near where you enter
swamp, with a Spirit Font concealed inside. As you approach the gazebo you hear voices.
to the north of the gazebo to receive Quest 1 below.
Continue north from where you met Merchant Hing, and you will come upon a hermit fighting
of Gao's men. See Quest 2.
- 1. The Flower of the Fields - 125 XP and 250 silver.
You come upon some bandits
attacking a merchant. Dispatch the bandits, then talk to the merchant,
whose name is Hing:
(Open Palm) Offer to recover his precious Fen.
(Closed Fist) Tell him his concerns are of no interest to you, for Closed Fist points.
still get this quest anyway.
You finally encounter a woman being set upon by bandits in the NE part of the swamp. You
you've just saved Fen, but you would be wrong. The lovely Fen turns out to be none
other than
Merchant Hing's water buffalo! Chuckle.
(Closed Fist) You get the XP and the silver no matter what, but if you ask for a reward,
also get Closed Fist points.
- 2. The Search for Dawn Star: A camp to the north - 125 XP and you learn
the whereabouts
of Dawn Star.
By speaking to Sagacious Zu you can convince him to
help you, though he
is quite reluctant. He only seems to come around once you mention the
name Dawn Star. He joins
you as a follower, and points out that the camp where Dawn Star
is being held is to the north.
Once you locate the camp, take out Gao's men, only to find
out from the lone survivor that
Dawn Star is no longer there. She apparently fled to a cave,
and Gao went after her. Zu says
he knows this cave, and it's occupied by ogres and other
creatures of ill repute. Nice one.
(Open Palm) Let Gao's man go after interrogating him, for Open Palm points.
(Closed Fist) Kill him, for Closed Fist points.
Note the strange mechanical flyer near here, but you can't seem to do anything with it
There are some bones near the flyer that contain a gem and some silver. You now have
- 3. The Search for Dawn Star: Rescue Dawn Star from Gao - 200 XP and Gentle
Head north from the mechanical flyer and enter the swamp cave. Just after
you enter, you witness
a cut scene whereby Gao has pursued Dawn Star deep into the cave,
but inadvertently cut off
their exit by causing part of the ceiling to collapse while fighting
an ogre. Head to the east,
and take on the two ogres there. There are two chests behind where
the ogres were standing.
Careful, the chest on the left is trapped.
As you make your way to the north in this cave, you will encounter a toad demon. You acquire
the Toad Demon transformation style once you defeat this creature. Fairly useful. Just past
there you come upon Dawn Star and Gao. Uh oh. It looks like Gao spirited Dawn Star away from
the village because he knows something really bad is about to happen there. You can enlist
either Dawn Star or Zu's help in fighting Gao. I found that holding him off with quick attacks
was the best way, preventing him from firing off his deadly magic:
(Closed Fist) After defeating Gao, tell Dawn Star that you hate being saddled with Master
cast-off chores, for Closed Fist points.
You get 200 XP for defeating Gao, plus you receive the powerful gem called Gentle Persuasion
(Intimidation +5, Body +1, Spirit +1) from Dawn Star as a reward for saving her. You will
find the technique Viper's Wit (Focus +2, Charm +1) in one of the chests there. You
now have
Quest 4.
- 4. The Search for Dawn Star: Return to Two Rivers - Two Rivers Quest
Upon exiting
the cave, your worst fears are realised as you view a swarm of flyers
headed for Two Rivers.
Your party automatically returns to the camp and uses Gao's mechanical
flyer to return to Two
Rivers. As you approach Two Rivers, you are involved in a mini-game
whereby you have to try
and shoot down as many enemy flyers as possible. You can disengage
at any time where you will
be taken to what remains of the school and village. See Two Rivers
Quest 7.
Chapter 2 Wherein the fall of Dirge is detailed, The
in black speaks of Death's Hand, And Gao the Greater learns the fate of his son.
Two Rivers is in ruins, and Master Li has been taken captive. It is clear that this attack
was carefully orchestrated and that shadowy forces have taken an interest in you and those
around you. Leaving your home of twenty years, you set out after Death's Hand and his Lotus
Assassins, intent on discovering the reasons behind this assault.
Take either Dawn Star or Sagacious Zu with
depending on whom you prefer as company. As you move away from the flyer, you are attacked
by spirits.
Note: from here onwards I won't be detailing every enemy encounter, only the significant
ones. The first reason for this being that I don't want to ruin all the surprises that are
in store. The second reason is that you are probably quite capable of dealing with these
all by yourself at this stage in the proceedings.
Once you have defeated your attackers, you receive another visitation from the creature
met in the spirit cave. She tells you that there are actually four pieces comprising
the Dragon
Amulet you are carrying. Three of them are physical, and can be recovered. The
fourth piece
can only be earned. Head away from the crashed flyer and start making your way
south. You will
see what turns out to be an open bridge to the west. Head into the covered
bridge structure
near a Spirit Font. When you get through to the other side, a mysterious
woman clad in black
attacks you. See Quest 2.
After your meeting with Silk Fox, continue east towards Tien's Landing. At the large marker
stone where the road forks, heading north takes you to some old ruins, but you can't get
there yet. So take the south fork to the town of Tien's Landing. See Quest 1.
Upstairs in the teahouse, talk to the exotic chef Chai Jin who is standing by a makeshift
in the SW corner. He challenges you to eat three of his dishes. You can choose dishes
affect the Body, Spirit, or Mind. Didn't seem to matter as long as you were all topped
up in
each to start with. After you consume the first three dishes, he offers to let you
sample a
(Open Palm) Go for it. He returns your silver and presents you with a gem called The Bronze
Tongue (Charm +4, Intimidation +4, Intuition +4). You also get 500 XP.
(Closed Fist) Use one of your conversation skills to get him to try the dish first. Oops.
his body for your silver and The Bronze Tongue. Of course, you get Closed Fist points
for choosing
this turn of events. Even if he refuses to try it first, after you consume the
dish you can
lie to him that it hardly had any effect on you. He perishes, and you can loot
his body. Closed
Fist points in either case where he dies.
Talk to Seamstress Lan, just to the north of the teahouse, to get Quest 10.
Down at the Beggar's Pier in the SE part of town, balance artist Darting Lynx has set up
In addition to a Flawed Warrior Gem and Inferior Intimidation Gem, she also sells the
Technique | Cost |
What you get | Most
benefit to | Balance of Nature | 4250 silver | Focus +15
Chi +3 | Weapon users | Hawk's elegance | 800 silver |
Focus +7 Health -3 | Weapon
users | Conditioning of the Body | 800 silver | Health +7
Chi -3 |
Martial arts users | Swallow's
grace | 600 silver |
+3 Intuition -1 | Charming
conversationalists |
If you chose to close the Great Dam, you can buy some items afterwards from the merchant
in the town square. If you undertook Quest 16, you will also receive a discount. Aside
some decent gems, most notably an Inferior Warrior Gem (Body +2), Cheung has the Storm
style for sale. It utilises electricity to increase the efficacy of your strikes.
- 1. Picking Up the Pieces: Investigate Tien's Landing
- find a new flyer.
you left Dawn Star behind, she joins up with you at the entrance
to Tien's Landing, and presents
you with a gem called Good Fortune, the legacy of a master
gambler (Intuition +5, Mind +1,
Spirit +1). There is a chest containing 100 silver here just
near the entrance. Once inside
the town gates, head east and across the bridge. You meet
Yifong and her daughter. Hmm. You
learn that many pirates have been seen in the area with
flyers, and that the Great Dam has
been opened. The river is now too low, thus preventing
any trade ships from entering or leaving.
You have just received Quests 4 and 5.
Continue across the bridge and meet Hui The Brave. You learn a little more of your history,
and she teaches you the style Spirit Thief, very useful for draining Chi from your enemies.
Follow her into the teahouse. Oh goody, a bar brawl... in a teahouse! After the fight, Hui
explains that there is a missing piece of your Dragon Amulet in the ruins of old Tien's Landing.
She says that Minister Sheng has a key to these ruins, and that you should go speak to him
in the town square. You have just received Quest 3, but you need to look at Quest 4 first.
Before you leave the teahouse, go upstairs and do Quest 6. Then come back downstairs to
out Old Mother Kwan, the former owner of the teahouse. See Quest 7.
- 2. A Woman in Black: Be Wary of a Second Meeting.
After you defeat
this veiled woman
(her name is Silk Fox, by the way) she explains that at first she thought
you were allied with
the Lotus Assassins, but she now realises otherwise. You suspect that
you will meet again,
perhaps to become allies as you seem to have similar goals...
- 3. Hui The Brave: Search the Ruins - Ruins and Dam Site Quest 4.
You need to complete
Quest 4 first, in order to obtain the Ruins Key from Minister Sheng.
Then make your way out
of the town, and locate the ruins to the north. You have to fight
a few of the Lotus Assassin
guards to gain access. After the fight, a man dressed as a Lotus
Assassin comes running out
of the tower and begs for mercy, claiming that he is not really
one of them:
(Open Palm) Let him go, for Open Palm points.
(Closed Fist) Kill him, for Closed Fist points.
In the tower, you will find some Silk Strings in a chest. These are needed to complete
Use the Ruins Key that Minister Sheng gave you on the ruin gate to enter the ruins. Then
to section on Ruins and Dam Site below.
- 4. The Great Dam: Talk to Minister Sheng - 500 XP, Ruins Key, and Quest
Go talk
to Minister Sheng, at the square in the northernmost part of the town.
During the conversation,
he slips you a key to the ruins. See Quest 15 next.
- 5. Find a New Flyer: Speak with Minister Sheng - Quest 21.
you are talking
to Shen, if you mention that you need to procure a flyer, he'll refer you
to Ru the Boatswain,
who may be found upstairs in the teahouse. See Quest 21.
- 6. Zhong the Ox Carrier: Speak to Zhong the Ox Carrier - 300 XP and 350
in the teahouse, speak to the farmer Don Ping, who is with the ogre
Zhong in the SE corner,
to obtain this quest:
(Open Palm) Speak to Zhong the ogre, and try to use either Charm or Intuition to convince
to return to the farm, for Open Palm points.
(Closed Fist) Goad the ogre into fighting, and kill him. Closed Fist points for choosing
course of action.
In either case, the teahouse owner is well pleased to be rid of the ogre as he was frightening
the patrons, and presents you with a healthy payment as reward.
- 7. Old Mother Kwan: Investigate Dutong's Writ - Quest 8.
It seems
that Dutong took
control of the teahouse from Old Mother Kwan by flashing an impressive looking
imperial writ
that claimed his family had always owned the land. You somehow doubt the authenticity
of this
writ. Speak to Three Sheets Dutong then, and question him about the writ. He says
that it is
safely locked away, and tells you to get lost. Now go talk to the barman (formerly
Yanru to get Quest 8.
- 8. Old Mother Kwan: Get Dutong Drunk - 20 XP and Quest 9.
need to get Dutong
drunk enough so that he will talk, but not too drunk. The following combination
- Imperial seasoned spirits.
- Imperial seasoned spirits.
- Peasant's wine (Dutong
gets up).
- Peasant's wine.
Now Dutong has had 8 units worth of wine, just one unit short of the amount Yanru said
send him into oblivion. Use whichever of your conversation skills is the most powerful
to get
him to confess. His guard gives him the restorative then, but it's too late. Yanru
his confession that the writ was a fake. The sobered up Dutong offers silver to
yourself and
Yanru in return for keeping quiet about this:
(Open Palm) Refuse the silver. Dutong flees. You now have Quest 9.
(Closed Fist) Accept 1000 silver from Dutong for keeping quiet about what you have learned.
You also get 320 XP and Closed Fist points, but of course, you now cannot complete Quest
- 9. Old Mother Kwan: Talk to Mother Kwan - 1000 XP.
(Open Palm)
You talk to Old Mother
Kwan after getting rid of Dutong. Open Palm points for this.
- 10. The Beaten Baker: Investigate Baker Bei - Quest 12.
been impressed by your
combat skills, Seamstress Lan implores you to help her fiancĀ, who
is set upon by a gang of
thugs every day. Head for the pier in the SE part of town. As you
approach the gate to the
pier, you come upon some thugs that are after Baker Bei. Defeat
them, then speak to him. Hmm.
It seems that an old friend named Ai Ling is jealous of Bei's
recent engagement. Offer to talk
to her on Bei's behalf, and you get Quest 12.
- 11. An Ancient Game: Impress Mistress Vo OR Impress Jian the Iron Fist
- learn an advanced
In the centre of the town, you come across Jian the Iron
Fist and Mistress Vo having
an imaginary board game of yi. You will need to come back a bit
later, when you have sufficient
understanding of either the Way of the Open Palm or the Way
of the Closed Fist, before either
of them will be willing to train you in these advanced
(Open Palm) Once you have attained sufficient Open Palm points and defeated Vo, she will
you in the style called Stone Immortal. This style is similar to Ice Shard, but allows
to turn an enemy to stone and then shatter the pieces. You can also, after pouring sufficient
points into this style, gain the ability to open the ground beneath an enemy and cause it
swallow them!
(Closed Fist) Once you have proved yourself a worthy follower of the Way of the Closed
defeat Jian and he will teach you the Tempest style. The style invokes great gusts
of wind
to strike down your foes.
- 12. The Beaten Baker: Talk to Ai Ling - 1120 XP.
Backtrack a
bit and enter the boathouse.
It's the large building just to the SW of where Jian and Vo
are standing. Mention that you
have business with Ai Ling, and the guard will let you in:
(Open Palm) You can quite easily convince Ai Ling that you should bring Bei here to talk
her... so you shortly wind up in a four-way meeting between Ai Ling, Baker Bei, Seamstress
Lan, and yourself. A bit of gentle probing uncovers the fact that Bei promised to marry Ai
Ling when they were - wait for it - six years old! You then reason with her that it is sheer
folly to hold Bei to a promise of marriage made when they were mere children. Whether or
you choose to accept Mistress Lan's dowry as a reward, you still gain Open Palm Points.
(Closed Fist) You can kill Ai Ling straight off. Then return to Mistress Lan and tell her
Bei had asked this woman to marry him. Ouch. You only get 350 XP and her dowry, which
was 250
silver, for choosing this course of action. Another Closed Fist possibility entails
Ai Ling and Mistress Lan to fight over who gets to have Bei. This results in
Ai Ling killing
both Lan and Bei, and then taking out her wrath on you. After defeating her,
get the Boathouse
Key from a vase. This key unlocks the gate that leads upstairs, where you
will find 750 silver
in a cabinet.
If you chose the Way of the Open Palm and resolved the situation amicably, you can speak
Ai Ling after everyone else has left and offer to find her a husband. Ask her about possible
candidates in Tien's Landing. She mentions two: Chumin the Craftsman, who has a house in
SW corner of the town, and Yaoru, whom you may have already bumped into upstairs in the
You now have Quest 13.
- 13. Matchmaker: Find a Man for Ai Ling - 1080 XP and 500 silver.
I just went straight
for Yaoru in the teahouse, arranged a meeting between him and Ai Ling,
used a little Charm,
and that was it. Might work with Chumin as well, but I thought Yaoru
was the least likely of
the two suitors, so went with the underdog.
- 14. Trapped: Free Captain Ing's Ship - Quest 22.
Talk to Captain
Ing in the SE corner
of the pier area. His ship is trapped by the low waters, and he'll pay
a lot of silver if you
can close the dam. If you do close the Great Dam, you get Quest 23.
- 15. The Great Dam: Enter the Ruins to Reach the Dam - Quests 17 and 18.
As you leave
the square after first talking to Minister Shen, a wine merchant named Jiang
approaches you.
It is in his best interests that the dam remains open, as he has a captive
audience of sailors
consuming his wine. He will pay you 20 percent of his profits to date
if you sabotage the dam
controls and bring him proof that you did so...
You now have two conflicting quests: one to open the dam, and one to sabotage it so that
permanently remains open. See Quest 3.
- 16. The Stolen Momento: Talk to Tong - a discount.
While you're
in the merchant's
area where Minister Sheng is hanging out, talk to Merchant Cheung. It seems
that Tong stole
a valuable figurine that belonged to Cheung's mother. Tong is to be found
in the NE area of
the pier, and he is quite drunk. You can quite easily convince him to give
back the figurine
though. Return to Cheung with it, and you don't get any XP for this - rather,
you have the
promise of a good discount on all of Cheung's goods once the dam is closed and
trade is restored.
- 17. The Great Dam: Close the Dam - 5000 XP.
(Open Palm) After
you access the Jade
Heart which controls the dam, you choose to close the dam. This action
floods the ruins. But
now you can make your escape by heading over the bridge to the east.
Just access the bridge
control lever in the gazebo near there to lower the bridge.
- 18. The Great Dam: Sabotage the Dam - 3000 XP.
(Closed Fist)
Choose to remove the
Jade Heart and destroy the dam control mechanism. You should also exit
this area via the bridge,
and make your way back to Tien's Landing. You now have Quest 26.
- 19. Silk Fox: The Silk Fox - 500 XP and Quest 20.
As you make
your way back into Tien's
Landing after dealing with the Great Dam, You have another encounter
with Silk Fox. In exchange
for learning that the man kidnapped from the school was your Master
Li, Silk Fox tells you
the whereabouts of a wind map, which you will require to successfully
navigate a flyer to the
Imperial City. See Quest 20.
- 20. The Sickened Forest: Seek Out Lord Yun.
Silk Fox tells you
that Lord Yun, the
holder of a precious wind map, may be found in the Great Southern Forest.
You get there through
the gateway in the town square where you met Minister Sheng. See section
on Great Southern
Forest below.
- 21. Find a New Flyer: Find Ru the Boatswain - 1020 XP and Quest 24.
You should probably
complete Quest 20 first, for what good is a flyer without a wind map?
Then... Ru is upstairs
in the teahouse, and he's mighty drunk. But with a little Charm, I
was able to convince him
to take me to the pirates. See Quest 24.
- 22. The Zither of Discord: Find the Case and the Strings - Quest 27.
(Closed Fist)
You come upon the Scholar Six Heavens in the area NE of Beggar's Pier. He will
give you this
quest only if you can prove that you are a follower of the Closed Fist. He
wants to assemble
a powerful artefact called the Zither of Discord, but in order to do this
he needs both the
zither case and the strings. The case is said to be in the possession of
Gao the Greater, and
may be at the pirates lair near here. The strings can be located in
a tower to the west of
town, near the old ruins.
If you haven't already been, don't go rushing off to either of these locations just yet.
will come to them in due course... once you have both the Silk Strings and the Zither
return to Scholar Six Heavens. It would seem you need one more piece to complete the
instrument See Quest 27.
- 23. Trapped: Talk to Ing - 500 XP and 2300 silver.
After you
close the Great Dam and
return to Tien's Landing, you witness a cut scene of the sailors
boarding Ing's ship. Then
a messenger runs up and gives you the news that Ing was anxious
to depart, so couldn't see
you in person. But he does give you the silver that Ing promised!
- 24. Find a New Flyer: Explore the Pirate Lair - a flyer.
Ru at Beggar's Pier
in the SE part of town. He takes you to the pirate lair. Immediately
upon entering the lair,
you overhear a conversation whereby the guards are giving a servant
a hard time. Then he comes
down into your area, and starts fiddling with a rope tied to a
tree. Go speak to him. Turns
out he was once a pirate, and is now their slave. He's trying
to untie the rope to drop a cannon
onto the pier, thus taking them all out:
(Open Palm) There's an innocent slave sweeping the pier, and you refuse to harm him. Just
attack the guards. There are only three of them.
(Closed Fist) Help the pirate untie the rope and the cannon drops onto the pier, killing
all. Closed Fist points for unnecessarily killing the slave.
Make your way along the path to go further into the lair. You'll eventually come upon another
adventurer called Sky, and you help him to defeat some pirates. Afterwards, he'll run upstairs
to hold a lever so that the two of you can open a mechanically operated door. Meanwhile,
also speak to Yifong, who you met earlier as you first entered Tien's Landing. See Quest
Anyway, head up the ramp to the east and help Sky to open the door.
At the top of the stairs, you witness a very important meeting. The avatar of a mysterious
lady called Grand Inquisitor Jia is giving instructions to Lim of the Lotus Assassins, who
has your amulet fragment, and Gao the Greater. It appears that a special long-range flyer
been commissioned to transport the fragment to the Imperial City, and work on it is nearly
completed. Afterwards, Lim heartlessly tells Gao about the death of his son. Then they both
leave the room. Go inside and join forces with Kang the Mad, inventor of the special flyer
called the Dragonfly. He agrees to help you as he's angry at the way he's being treated by
Gao and the Lotus Assassins. The craft needs an Inscrutable Power Source to go the distance,
but hey, we've got on of those, haven't we?
Head up the ramp, and into the cave if you want to complete Quest 25. Then keep heading
You finally arrive at the workshop. When you advance to the north side of the workshop,
guards will come bursting through a door. After defeating them, head to the NW part
of the
workshop and operate the Dragonfly controls. This causes the device to drop down and
open a secret door. It's Gao's treasure room. You just have to get past the elephant
guarding the treasure, and the gems are all yours. The only item here of note though
was a
Gem of the Frail Scholar (Mind +1, +100% experience from books, Body -3).
Once you are done exploring the treasure room, head through the door the guards used and
a ramp to confront Gao and Lim. The latter is pretty tough, as he uses Stone Immortal
to keep
opening the ground underneath your feet. You recover the missing amulet fragment
from Lim's
body, and this gives you two more gem slots. One of either Gao or Lim also coughed
up a Superior
Monk's Gem (Spirit +6).
Sky and Kang the Mad run up to you then, and they will both join you as followers. Sky
brought along the Dust Inductor that Kang was hiding in his workshop. Before you leave
room, get the Zither Case from the chest (will allow you to complete Quest 22), and access
the bookstand to learn the technique Strength of Wood (Health + 2).
Now return to the workshop and present Kang with the Inscrutable Power Source. You fly
to Tien's
Landing. As soon as you arrive there, you can finish off whatever quests you have
open, or
depart immediately for the Imperial City as long as you have Yun's wind map (see
section on
Great Southern Forest). And thus begins Chapter 3...
- 25. Yifong and Fuyao: Find the Slave Breaker - 1000 XP.
and Fuyao were unfortunate
enough to be captured by the pirates soon after leaving Tien's
Landing. Fuyao is being held
upstairs by the slave breaker, and Yifong pleads with you to
rescue her. Sigh. Once you find
the cave where Fuyao is being held, it's easy enough to defeat
the slave breaker and guards.
(Open Palm) Frighten Lordling Lun, who is looking to purchase Fuyao. He flees, fearing
Yifong then enters to be reunited with her daughter.
(Closed Fist) Sell both Yifong and Fuyao to Lordling Lun, for 200 silver and Closed Fist
- 26. The Great Dam: Talk to Jiang - Gem of Purpose and 2600 silver.
You get this quest
if you chose to leave the dam open and destroyed the controls. Seek out
Jiang the Merchant
at Beggar's Pier. For preserving his lucrative trade in wine, in addition
to a healthy payment,
he also gives you a Gem of Purpose (Body +1, Mind +1, Spirit +1).
- 27. The Zither of Discord: Find the Zither's Bridge - 500 silver plus
Exotic Strains technique.
Scholar Six Heaven's tells you that the bridge for the
instrument may be found in the Great
Southern Forest, somewhere near a river, where a scholar
could have sought shelter. Hmm. So
head into the Great Southern Forest, and go to the gazebo
where the Spirit Font is. You meet
the spirit Bladed Thesis (the original formulator of the
Way of the Closed Fist philosophy,
by the way). Choose the first conversation topic, and
he agrees to give you the Bridge to complete
the Zither of Discord.
Scholar Six Heavens then appears, saving you the trouble of returning to him. Give him
Bridge, and Bladed Thesis immediately destroys him. Ask for your reward to gain some
Fist points as well as the above mentioned items.
Upon entering the area, you see a Lotus
conjuring up some rather large vermin to aid in the search for the amulet fragment.
the guards that have been posted at the entrance to the ruins. One of them gives up
a Gem of
Thief's Sense, which can help you to detect traps when equipped. Get some Dragon
Powder from
a chest near there. Also, there is a Spirit Font down a ramp to the east.
Behind a house where you first enter the ruins, there are some bones from which you can
a Cameo Portrait.
After completing Quests 2 and 3, go south from the building next to where the rockets are.
You can hear the sounds of battle ahead. As you enter the scene where two Lotus Assassins
fighting spirits, you overhear the command word, "Shao Hua", that is used to control
the sentry
golems at the dam. One of the Assassins flees, drawing up a bridge behind him.
Go up on the
platform, and use the crane there to move the lever on the other side. The bridge
lowers again
and you can cross. Keep heading SE to the dam site.
At the dam site, you first encounter a mysterious little girl, who warns you that "the
is coming. Oops. Too late. Once you best the Guardian (Chai Ka) in battle, he realises
mistake, and knows that you are the one he was actually sent to protect. The little girl
called Wild Flower, and she is the Guardian's avatar on earth - a bridge to the heavens
it were. You accept her as a follower, and then she presents you with an Inferior Scholar
(Mind +2), and the Inscrutable Power Source that the Guardian recovered from the fleeing
Assassin. The Lotus Assassins have tricked Chai Ka into giving up that fragment of
the Dragon
Amulet that you are searching for. You now have Quest 4... but I wouldn't go running
back to
Hui just yet. We got us a dam to close... or sabotage!
If you head just north of here, you'll find a gazebo containing a chest, which in turn
the technique River of Time (Chi +5, Intuition +1). Then head to the SE and approach
the sentry
golems. You previously overheard the command word, which you know to be "Shao
Hua". Go down
the stairs and approach the Jade Heart, which controls the dam. See either
Tien's Landing Quest
17 if you intend on closing the dam, or Tien's Landing Quest 18 if you
are going to sabotage
- 1. Gems in the Quarry: Find Dragon Powder and
Rockets - 500 XP.
upon entering the ruins proper, you have to fight a
Rat Demon. If you agree to spare him, he
tells you about a gem that is hidden behind a wall
that the Lotus Assassins are about to destroy
using rockets:
(Open Palm) Spare the little blighter's life.
(Closed Fist) Kill the vermin. Closed Fist points, and you don't officially get this quest.
But that doesn't stop you from destroying the wall anyway and getting the gems.
In any case, you should now have the Dragon Powder that you found in a chest just outside
entrance to the ruins. And indeed just to the SE of here you find the rockets. Access
the switch
to apply the Dragon Powder, then pull the lever. Watch where the rockets go. You
now have Quest
- 2. Gems in the Quarry: Find the Gem - some powerful gems.
into the new area
exposed by the rockets. You find the gem called The Soft Petal (Charm +5,
Body +1, Mind +1)
in a headstone. Advance a bit further and you will be set upon by the ghost
of Stabber Yuxi
and his convict friends. They all worked in the quarry and were drowned when
the dam was closed.
Once you defeat Yuxi, head into the quarry.
Once inside the quarry, keep heading north. You find a tunnel there that leads to another
in the NE. Here you will encounter probably your toughest opponent yet - a convict named
Jizu who refuses to die... well, almost! You have to kill him with a Power Attack
in order
put him down forever. Once you have vanquished Jizu, the spirit of the Turnkey appears.
he had returned with the key to try and free all the convicts when the place was flooding,
but Jizu wouldn't have any of it and strangled the poor guy, thus dooming all the convicts
to a watery death As a token of appreciation for killing Jizu and thus freeing his spirit,
the Turnkey presents you with The Wanderer's Jewel (Body +3, Spirit +3, Mind -5), a very
gem, unless you are depending on Focus. I think there is a broken quest here too.
If you found
the Cameo Portrait at the back of the building in the ruins, you will note that
it is inscribed:
"To my beloved husband, Wei. Yours forever". The Turnkey's name is Wei,
but I got no conversation
choice to bring up the subject of the Cameo Portrait while talking
to him.
Now explore this cavern a little further, and you will find a Thick Skin Gem (Body +1,
damage from traps), and possibly two more powerful gems in a vase: Gem of Gentle Mind
followers of the Way of the Open Palm will find this gem: Mind +2, Intuition +2), and
Gem of Forethought (Mind +2, lesser chance of Focus power-ups). As you make your
way out of
the cavern, you get Quest 3.
- 3. Stranded Orphan Girl: Knock Down the Supports - 350 XP.
come upon the spirit
of a stranded orphan girl. She is afraid of water, and wants you to
cave in the ceiling so
that the puddle in the centre of the room will be covered and she
can escape from the quarry:
(Open Palm) Knock down the supports. Nothing bad happens to you as a result, and the girl
(Closed Fist) Tell her she can stay there forever, for Closed Fist points.
Now make your way out of the quarry, and return to where the spent rockets are...
- 4. Hui the Brave: Return to Hui - Hui is released from her service to
Master Li.
Return to Hui and tell her that you couldn't recover the amulet fragment.
Nothing much comes
of this for the moment, though Hui is relieved that her mission here is
completed and she can
now depart Tien's Landing.
Once you enter the forest, you're not
in finding Lord Yun. After defeating the first spirits you encounter, he comes running
some steps. See Quest 1.
- 1. The Sickened Forest: Find Spear Catches Leaf
- Quest 2.
Yun wants you to
discover what is wrong with his forest, and put it to
rights. He is willing to give you a copy
of his wind map in return. He instructs you to go
up the hill, take the left fork in the path,
and find Spear Catches Leaf, who knows how to
summons the Forest Shadow.
Where the path first forks, if you go to the east, you will find some bones holding the
of Gentle Mind (Mind +2, Intuition +2), useable only by followers of the Way of the Open
Down a hill here is a Spirit Font. There is also a strange device in the centre of
the fork
that seems to call forth a mysterious power. However, this is not yet the fork in
the path
of which Yun spoke. Continue up the steps to the west.
Next you come to a bridge, and you must kill some spirits that are bothering a hunter.
He bids
you to take the right fork in the upcoming path, and visit the "Pilgrim's Rest Inn".
your conversation, a mysterious creature appears in the form of a fox, turns the unfortunate
hunter to stone, and dispatches him. The creature tries the same on you, but you break the
spell and it flees.
Continue along the path and take the left fork. Defeat the mercenary called The Black Whirlwind,
and then you can speak with Spear Catches Leaf. It turns out that the fox that attacked you
was none other than Forest Shadow. See Quest 2. You can buy some gems, styles and techniques
from him, most notably Hunter's Spirit, which will set you back a cool 4250 silver, but grants
you Chi +15 and Focus +3.
- 2. The Sickened Forest: Restore the Missing Crystal - Quest 3.
Someone stole a crystal
that Spear Catches Leaf needs to activate the magical furnaces you
saw upon your approach.
He hopes that activating the furnaces will summon the Forest Shadow.
He says that the tracks
leading away from where the crystal was stolen bear the gait of a
deformed child, and lead
to the Inn.
So head for the Pilgrim's Rest Inn. Under a rock in the west part of the entrance garden,
will find a gem. Enter the Inn, and you speak to the innkeeper. Hmm. He promises to reward
you handsomely with silver should you kill the Forest Shadow. But you suspect there is more
to this situation than meets the eye. Lie to him that you will kill the Forest Shadow. In
he hands over the crystal, and you get Quest 3.
While you're here, talk to the cook, Henpecked Hou, up the steps in the back. Followers
the Way of the Closed Fist can buy a precious Gem of Struggle from him (Body +2, Mind
+2, Spirit
+2). There are also some gems in vases up here.
- 3. Fox Hunt: Tracking the Forest Shadow - Quest 4.
Return to
Spear Catches Leaf and
inform him that you have the crystal. He informs you that you must
use the crystal on the pedestal
to begin the ritual. See Quest 4.
- 4. The Sickened Forest: Complete the Ritual of Seasons - 1400 XP plus
Quests 5 and 6.
Spear Catches Leaf returns to Lord Yu, leaving it to you to carry
out the ritual, and imparts
to you this rhyme: "Winter skies are crisp and blue, while the
fields of spring are green.
Summer's heat is burning red, while in autumn, yellow leaves
are seen." He also tells you that
as far as the ritual is concerned, winter and summer are
the two most important seasons. Fortunately,
he also leaves The Black Whirlwind behind, who
you can now recruit as a follower.
When you are ready, approach the pedestal at the top of the steps in front of the temple.
use the Temple Crystal on it, and the switches on the furnaces are unlocked. Use the
on the two lower furnaces to activate the upper ones. Then hit the red switch (summer,
on one of the upper furnaces, and the blue switch (winter) on the other. Access
the pedestal
once more and... hey presto, a portal appears in the rear of the temple. So,
you enter... Heaven!
Soon after you arrive, you meet Zin Bu, the Magical Abacus. From now
on you can use him to
buy and sell items. Just think of him as a portable shopkeeper. Now,
you can continue up the
path. You have to fight several groups of demons along the way.
You acquire the transformation
style Horse Demon here, useful for instantly shrugging off
effects such as slow or paralysis,
and then you finally get to meet the Forest Shadow. As
you are speaking to her, you receive
another visitation... ah, that blue-hued spirit that
has been appearing to you is none other
than the Water Dragon!
Now you have to choose whether to aid the Forest Shadow in defeating her foe, the evil
that is known as The Mother (see Quest 5), or kill her (Quest 6).
- 5. The Sickened Forest: Enter the Portal - 1500 XP, Quest 7, and Open
Palm points.
(Open Palm) You accept the Forest Shadow's challenge to defeat The Mother.
You must return
to the Inn, where she will open a passage to The Mother's lair. See Quest
- 6. Fox Hunt: Kill the Forest Shadow - Quest 10.
(Closed Fist)
Attack the Forest Shadow.
She creates a few spirits in the image of herself to distract you,
and then flees. You now
have Quest 10.
- 7. The Sickened Forest: Destroy the Mother - Quest 8.
Once you
arrive back at the
Inn, you are greeted by a bizarre welcoming party. Defeat them, and talk
to the cook, Henpecked
Hou. He will teach you the unique style called Drunken Master. Then
he tells you that the hill
heaved a short while ago and dislodged a panel in the kitchen,
granting access to The Mother's
cave through there. Of course, that was the Forest Shadow's
doing! You now have Quest 8.
- 8. Cannibals in the Inn: The Mother - 3000 XP plus Brilliant Gem of
Balance and 1500
Head into the kitchen at the back of the Inn, and through
the now open panel into
a tunnel. Step on the platform to the right to go down to the caves.
As forewarned by Hou,
there are more cannibals here. Head through the tunnel to the SE, and
confront some rat demons
unleashed by a trainer. Then head through another tunnel to the
west. Cross a bridge, and more
of the little blighters to fight. Then Hou joins you again.
Instead of heading back to Tien's
Landing, he decided he didn't want to miss out on all the
fun. So you can use Drunken Master
now. You don't appear to be able to put any style points
against this style, but no need to
as it's pretty powerful as is.
When you head through the next tunnel to the NW, you finally encounter... the Mother of
Ugly Toads! You are left to fight her on your own, while your followers hold off the
guys. Now... you will find it almost impossible to defeat The Mother, plus she also
keeps spawning
more of her ilk. But... there is a trick. All you need do is knock down the
three pillars that
are holding up the roof of this cavern, and the whole thing collapses,
allowing you to make
your escape.
The Forest Shadow meets you outside to congratulate you, and presents you with a Brilliant
Gem of Balance (Body +4, Mind +4, Spirit +4), plus some silver. And you now have Quest 9.
- 9. The Sickened Forest: Return to Lord Yun - 1500 XP and a wind map.
After defeating
either The Mother or the Forest Shadow, head back down the steps and speak
to Lord Yun. If
you ask him for an additional reward, and you have at least 30 points in
one of your conversation
skills, you can get 600 silvers out of him. In any case, he presents
you with a copy of his
wind map.
(Closed Fist) Encourage him to visit the Pilgrim's Rest Inn, which you know to be infested
with cannibals, for Closed Fist points.
Well, now all we need is a flyer. Time to tackle Tien's Landing Quest 21. Go to the teahouse
and talk to Ru the Boatswain.
- 10. Fox Hunt: Track Down the Fox - 5000 XP.
(Closed Fist) You
have decided to kill
the Forest Shadow, and she has fled her place in Heaven. Now... this
is difficult. You have
to fight all her minions on the way back down the hill, and then make
sure you have enough
Health and Chi left to defeat her when you reach the bottom. I suggest
you use Spirit Thief,
or you will be lost.
Once you defeat the Forest Shadow, you are returned to the Pilgrim's Rest Inn. The cannibal
leader presents you with the Gem of Earth Power (Body + 5). Hmm. You don't seem to receive
any silver after all. You also get Henpecked Hou, who becomes one of your followers and teaches
you the style Drunken Master. You now have Quest 9.
Chapter 3 Wherein the Imperial City is revealed, Silk
reveals her station, And the Lotus Assassins are infiltrated.
The Marvellous Dragonfly bears you away from Tien's landing toward the Imperial City. The
of Gao the Greater and Assassin Lim will have far-reaching consequences, and your enemy
not let your actions go unanswered. Terrible forces gather ahead, and as you draw close,
will leave their mark as surely as you have left yours.
Immediately upon arrival, you are accosted by
guards. Just as you are resigning yourself to a few days in jail, an attractive woman
and her
entourage appear. It is none other than Silk Fox, better known as Princess Lian!
She gets you
off the hook, and hands you a note explaining where you can meet her for a private
chat. One
of her servants also presents you with a gift, a gem called Imperial Favor (Spirit
+3, Charm
+1, Intuition +1, Increased chance for getting power-ups from fallen enemies).
You now have
Quest 1.
As you leave the area where your followers are encamped, head east and talk to Captain
at the end of the path. You get Quests 2 and 3 as a result.
After completing both bounty quests for Captain Sen, you will be approached by an old man,
who gives you an unofficial bounty. See Quest 7.
During the proceedings here, you will eventually bump into a playwright called Incisive
on the Golden way. See Quest 11.
Be sure to seek out the Blacksmith Shop in the Market District. You can purchase the following
items of note here:
Technique | Cost |
What you get | Storm
Dragon Style | 4500 silver | A
support style that does damage to your foes over time using electricity. |
Dragon Sword | 10000
silver |
A powerful sword fighting style: drains focus,
+25% damage
over basic sword style. This augments your existing sword style if you have one,
so you don't
need to spend any more style points. | Flawless |
7500 silver | A powerful
staff fighting style: drains focus, +25% damage over basic staff style. This augments your
existing staff style if you have one, so you don't need to spend any more style points. |
A Bar of Nickled Iron | 500
silver | Steel, actually. Read some more about it from
the Configuration of the Snake scroll that you took from the Scroll stand at the entrance
the Scholar's Garden. This Nickled Iron is one possible type of fuel for Lord Lao's Furnace.
See note below. | Craftsman's Litany |
1600 silver | A technique
that grants you Focus +5. |
At some time during your experiences here, Mechanic Hin Goo will appear near your flyer.
you fly a mission for him to get some parts, he will sell you upgrades to your flyer.
Note: after flying a few mini-game missions, you will gain access to Lord Lao's Furnace.
The various 'configuration' scrolls (Configuration of the Snake, et. al.) you have been finding
scattered about the Imperial City contain clues on how to use the furnace to produce various
valuable items, depending on the set-up of the furnace, the material used as fuel, and which
of the two switches to throw to start the process. If you're into this mini-game thing, then
feel free to knock yourself out!
- 1. Silk Fox: The Heavenly Lily - Scholar's Garden
Quests 1 and 2.
Silk Fox is
none other than the daughter of the Emperor himself.
Wow, you are mixing with dangerous company!
The note says to meet her in the Scholar's Garden.
Talk to Bai the Outcrier there, and you
learn that you get to the Scholar's Garden via the
Golden Way, which is all the way to the
SE on your map.
- 2. Creative Yukong's Bounty: Speak with Lady Rento.
Talk to Captain
Sen, and you
receive two bounties. By using your conversation skills, you can talk him into
giving you a
bigger reward. For this particular bounty, you're best off going to the Imperial
Arena to the
west and seeking out Lady Rento. Lord Rento was taken in by this conman, and
it is likely that
in Lord Rento's absence, Lady Rento is the only one with a possible lead
on him. See section
on Imperial Arena below for details.
- 3. Fading Moon's Bounty: Track Down Fading Moon.
Fading Moon
was last seen in the
Necropolis. See corresponding section below.
- 4. The Tanners Fong: Remove the Elder - 500 silver and Quest 5.
You get here as a
result of Necropolis Quest 14. Go into the house and talk to the elder
tanner. Whoa. He's not
dead. The son buried him alive in order to claim his inheritance:
(Open Palm) Well... just reunite father and son. Happily ever after, and all that.
(Closed Fist) Kill the poor old guy. Now he's really dead! Talk to the son, and he rewards
you with some silver.
In either case, you now have Quest 5.
- 5. The Tanners Fong: Return to Shen - 1260 XP and 1000 silver.
With a little Intimidation,
you can get 1000 silver out of Shen for cleaning up his embarrassing
little incident. Shen
runs off then. Your work in the Necropolis is done... for now.
- 6. The Outlander: Find the Outlander.
Whilst walking along the
Golden Way, you are
accosted by a man throwing insults at you for no apparent reason. Speak
with him, make him
respond rationally, and his master then approaches. His master is none
other than the Minister
of Culture. It would seem that an outlander is causing considerable
grief for the local residents.
He is ensconced in the Scholar's Garden, and you are tasked
with getting him to leave. See
section on the Scholar's Garden below.
- 7. Aishi the Mournful Blade: Track Down the Mournful Blade.
old man tells you
of this Aishi, who has apparently committed many crimes against humanity.
He wants you to track
her down and kill her. He had followed her, and she was last seen entering
the Black Leopard
School, which is in the SW part of the city. Hmm. Probably more to this
than meets the eye.
Isn't there always? See section on Black Leopard Scholl below for details.
- 8. The Inquisitors: Disgrace Sheng.
You get here as a result
of Scholar's Garden
Quest 3. Henpecked Hou presents you with some turtle eggs, which he suggests
you swap for the
gift that Sheng is intending to present to Fang.
(Closed Fist) The Ministry Hostel is in the SE part of the Golden Way. As soon as you enter,
you are speaking to Minster Sheng. Convince him that you should guard his honour gift to
while he rests, and you will automatically switch the turtle eggs that Henpecked Hou
gave you
for whatever the gift originally was. Minister Fang enters first thing in the morning,
is suitably unimpressed by the turtle eggs, which are considered to be a great insult
in these
parts. You get Closed Fist points for disgracing Sheng, but you do fulfill your
part of the
bargain with the Inquisitor Recruiter. You now have Quest 10.
- 9. The Inquisitors: Investigate Fang.
You get here as a result
of Scholar's Garden
Quest 3. Dawn Star thinks you should investigate the affairs of Fang,
who according to the
Inquisitor Recruiter has a seedy reputation.
(Open Palm) Seek out Gentle Breezes, Fang's courtesan, on the west side of the Imperial
Say you don't want to kill Fang, just ruin his career. She is reluctant to help you,
although Fang has... strange tastes, he also pays her well for her services. You
may have to
part with 900 silver if your conversations skills are not good enough, but she
agrees to help
you. She immediately arranges a little rendezvous with Fang, and manages to
secure his Imperial
signet ring. This is a great potential embarrassment. Talk to his guards
there in the same
room, and make it known that you have the ring. They will let you pass.
Then it is a simple
matter to obtain Fang's Resignation. You now have Quest 10, and you will
gain Open Palm points
for solving the problem in this manner.
- 10. The Inquisitors: Report Back to the Inquisitor.
Return to
the encampment. The
Inquisitor Recruiter meets you a final time. He informs you that the
entrance to the Lotus
Assassin Fortress, where you will receive your training, is on the
far side of the Necropolis
- and now you have access to it. Aha. It must be in that pagoda
you discovered if you have
previously been to the NE part of the Necropolis. He gives you
a Lotus Inquisitor Seal, which
is your passport to this place, and bids you good luck and
farewell. You now have Quests 16
and 17.
- 11. The Play's the Thing: Find an Actor in the Golden Way- Quest 12.
It seems that
Incisive Chorus' play has been altered from the original script to be made
into a satire of
the Empire, and he wants you to play the part as it was originally written.
Head back towards
the Scholar's Garden, and talk to Phong outside the pagoda/stage. You show
him the script that
Incisive Chorus gave you and he flings it back at you. But he also gives
you the edited version.
See Quest 12.
- 12. The Play's the Thing: Inform Thespian Phong When You Are Ready -
1000 silver.
There is a script stand nearby where you can look at both versions of
the play. I went with
the original version, because I wanted to help out Incisive Chorus.
So, memorise your lines
- White banners are flying.
- You speak of the heavens sending a message at dusk
the night is coming on fast (Chorus' version).
- A decision was reached at the edge
of a
great plain.
- Seasons change from place to place (Chorus' version).
- The Emperor
to the heavens themselves.
- Your character comments on how a shooting star traces
a border
across the sky.
Talk to Phong again, and the play begins... just try to match your answers as closely as
to the guidelines above. In doing so, you don't piss off the Lotus Assassin lurkers,
you stuck to the original (politically correct) version of the play. And you please
having read your lines perfectly. Return to Incisive Chorus next. See Quest 13.
- 13. The Play's the Thing: Return to Incisive Chorus - 1000 XP and 1500
you delivered your lines 'correctly', Chorus is well pleased.
- 14. Jinlin: Meet Jinlin at the Tomb - Quest 15.
Just outside
the doors that lead to
the Golden Way, you will overhear a purveyor talking to a child named
Jinlin. This Purveyor
Shouji wants Jinlin to fetch a certain artifact from an emperor's tomb
in the Necropolis. Talk
to Jinlin then, and you get this quest. Shouji is holding Jinlin's
mother hostage until the
artifact is retrieved. The tomb that you agree to meet Jinlin at
is in the NW part of the Necropolis,
where the two Spirit Fonts are. Jinlin opens the tomb,
and you agree to clear the spirits inside.
See Quest 15.
- 15. Jinlin: Clear the Spirits From the Tomb - 100 silver and some valuable
the mummies for Jinlin, and then I found 1000 silver and an interesting
gem in a chest at the
end of the corridor: Spirit Harvest (More XP from killing ghosts. No
power-ups from killing
ghosts). Then open the Inner Sanctum Door and enter. You meet the
ghost of an emperor, and
he is mighty tough to put down. You receive another copy of The
Wanderer's Jewel for getting
rid of him. Then you have to fight your way back out. See Quest
- 16. Infiltrate the Lotus Assassin Fortress: Enter the Fortress.
See section on Lotus
Assassin Fortress below.
- 17. The Emperor and the Assassins: The Lotus Assassin Fortress.
Silk Fox will take
you to Master Li, but only if you secure the information in the Lotus
Assassin Fortress that
proves Death's Hand is a traitor to the Empire.
- 18. Jinlin: Escape the Tomb - Configuration of the Tiger.
your way back out
of the tomb. Then Jinlin reads what's written on the artefact recovered
from the tomb: "Conductor,
cog, and a bit of iron. Don't play with the tiger". Hmm.
(Open Palm) Leave Jinlin with the mysterious artifact so that Jinlin may return to Purveyor
Shouji and secure the release of her mother.
(Closed Fist) Demand that she give you the artefact, for Closed Fist points. Jinlin refuses
to give it to you (for it is her mother's salvation), and flees in terror.
In either case, you now have a copy of the Configuration of the Tiger scroll. It is indeed...
- 19. The Slave Traders: Speak with Zi Bao - Quest 20.
Talk to
Prefect Jitong on the
west side of the Market District to get this quest. He has two men
in custody, both suspected
slave traders. He is trying to save his friend Songtao from execution,
and thus needs to find
evidence to convict the other man he is holding, a certain Chandler
Ling. He suggests you speak
with Zi Bao, also a suspected slave trader, in the Imperial Arena.
He is somehow connected
to Chandler Ling and may be able to shed some light on this matter.
Zi Bao is upstairs in the Imperial Arena. Use whatever conversation skill is your best
to convince
him to take you to meet the slavers... the leader of the slavers, Cao Zeng, tries
to have you
put down immediately, but it's not too hard a fight. Then you speak to him:
(Open Palm) You will have to kill him. But you retrieve Slaver Documents from his body
it was Chandler Ling that was involved with the slave traders, and not Songtao. You
now have
Quest 20.
(Closed Fist) Ask for a cut of the action. Cao Zeng then gives you Forged Slaver Documents
that implicate Scholar Songtao instead of Chandler Ling. You get Closed Fist points for siding
with the slavers. And you now have Quest 21.
- 20. The Slave Traders: Take Evidence to Prefect Jitong - 800 silver.
You present Prefect
Jitong with the Slaver Documents, and Scholar Songtao is set free:
(Open Palm) Whether or not you ask Jitong or Songtao for a reward, you receive Open Palm
and the same amount of silver. Songtao then invites you to meet him in the Scholar's
where he has some items for sale. Perhaps the most useful, for 5000 silver, is a gem
Lucky Hand (More silver from human enemies). Everything else you have pretty much
seen before.
- 21. The Slave Traders: Take False Evidence to Prefect - 500 silver.
(Closed Fist)
Present the Forged Slaver Documents that Cao Zeng gave you to Jitong, for Closed
Fist points.
Chandler Ling is now free, and he promises to reward you with silver and sell
you some goods
at a discount if you meet him later on in the Golden Way. You will find Ling
on the north side
of the Golden Way. As it turns out, he only gives you 500 silver... and
he has the exact same
items for sale as Songtao!
The Necropolis is a mysterious graveyard off the
side of the Golden Way. As you enter the Necropolis, you are immediately attacked by
two ghosts.
Then First Gravedigger Shen appears, and wants you to permanently put down three
ghosts for him. Hmm. He appears to be a bit of a shifty character, but you might
as well accept
his quest. You thus receive Quests 1, 2, and 3. Incidentally, you can buy
gems from Shen.
There are a pair of Sprit Fonts in the far NW part of the Necropolis, through a large gate,
should you need to recharge your batteries here.
To find Fading Moon, which is kind of the reason you came here in the first place, head
the steps and through a passage to the east of the place where you met the ghost of Merchant
Bai (see Quest 2). You'll find Fading Moon standing on the steps of a building across the
Defeat her, and she gives up the Gem of Pure Flame (Mind +3, Spirit +3). Only followers
the Way of the Open Palm may use this gem. You now have Quest 13.
- 1. The First Gravedigger: A Mournful Ghost - Quest
The ghost of Miss Chan
can be found in the northern part of the Necropolis, just
to the SE of the Tomb of the Forgotten
Scholar (see Quest 4):
(Open Palm) It appears that her baby was taken from her, and Shen knows something about
See Quest 6.
(Closed Fist) Destroy the ghost of Miss Chan. Closed Fist points for this. Then see Quest
- 2. The First Gravedigger: A Fearful Ghost - Quest 8.
The ghost
of Merchant Bai is
just to the south of where Miss Chan was standing (see Quest 1). It appears
that he cannot
rest because the two men that killed him are also buried here, and they are
tormenting his
soul, even in death. They are buried in a common grave to the south of here:
(Open Palm) See Quest 8.
(Closed Fist) Destroy the ghost of Bai the Merchant, for Closed Fist points. You now have
- 3. The First Gravedigger: A Vengeful Ghost - Quest 11.
The ghost
of Ren Ming can
be found in the SE part of the Necropolis. Seems his wife poisoned him, and
he wants you to
find her:
(Open Palm) See Quest 11.
(Closed Fist) Destroy the ghost of Ren Ming for Closed Fist points. See Quest 12 next.
- 4. The Scientist: Mad Wen Zhi - Quest 5.
In the north part of
the graveyard, to the
east, you come upon the Tomb of the Forgotten Scholar. A mad scientist
is in there, and he
wants you to find a... wait for it... fresh liver, so that he may cure
his ailing daughter.
He tells you that the tomb of Ji Xin, to the north, may contain a body
'fresh' enough to suit
his purposes. So enter the Tomb of Ji Xin then:
(Open Palm) You can convince him to give up his liver for a good cause. Open Palm points
(Closed Fist) Kill him and you get his liver, for Closed Fist points.
In either event, you now have Quest 5.
- 5. The Scientist: Return the Liver to Mad Wen - 550 silver.
you've procured
the Preserved Liver (see Quest 4), bring it back to Wen. He cures his daughter.
Now... if you
obtained the liver the Open Palm way, by getting Ji Xin to give it up for a
good cause to redeem
himself, the daughter is totally cured. But if you killed Ji Xin to
unwillingly take his liver,
the girl is slower to heal and becomes tainted by the evil organ.
In either case, you will
meet Mad Wen and his daughter later on in the Market District to
see the results of your labours
- 6. A Mournful Ghost: A Mournful Mother - Quest 7.
Go to First
Gravedigger Shen's
house, which is just south of where you first met him. The first time
you speak to him here,
he begs you to rid him of a ghost that is haunting his back garden.
Oops. Turns out it was
the ghost of his mother-in-law. For this, you get 540 XP and a gem
called The Mournful Soul
(Mind +3, Spirit +3, Body -5). These are the same effects you get
from The Wanderer's Jewel.
Anyway, talk to Shen about Miss Chan, and all he remembers is
that she died in childbirth along
with her baby, and that the baby's name was short. Definitely
less than three words. Hmm. So
head back to the ghost of Miss Chan. Then look at the four
family Chan tombstones just in front
of her. Well, only two of them could have been babies.
It's the fourth one, Chan Tuo. Talk
to her again then show her this grave. One ghost, put
to rest! You now have Quest 7.
- 7. A Mournful Ghost: Miss Chan at Peace - 600 XP and 400 silver.
Now that you've
put the ghost of Miss Chan to rest, return to Shen to collect your reward.
- 8. A Fearful Ghost: Defeat Bai's Tormentors - Quest 9.
Head to
the SW from where
the ghost of Merchant Bai is standing, and enter the Tomb of the Masses.
Defeat the ghosts
of the two evil brothers that killed him. Quest 9 next.
- 9. A Fearful Ghost: Return to Merchant Bai - Cow Bezoar and Quest 10.
Upon returning
to Bai after killing his tormentors, he presents you with... a Cow Bezoar?
Used to treat conditions
of the blood and circulation. Well, alright then. Might come in
useful somewhere (Lord Lao's
Furnace, one presumes). He then finds permanent rest. You now
have Quest 10.
- 10. A Fearful Ghost: Return to Shen - 600 XP and 400 silver.
Return to Shen to collect
your reward.
- 11. A Vengeful Ghost: Vengeance Served Cold - Quest 12.
Ren Ming's
wife lives in the
Market District, near the Black Leopard School. You have to exit the Necropolis,
then exit
the Golden Way, and make your way to the SW part of the Imperial City. You will
find Ren Feng
standing outside her house here. Well, it seems to have been a case of accidental
food poisoning
after all. Convince her to visit Ren Ming one more time. She agrees, seeing
that you will be
there with her to help. The two of you manage to put his soul to rest. See
Quest 12.
- 12. A Vengeful Ghost: Return to Shen - 600 XP and 400 silver.
Return to Shen to collect
your reward.
- 13. Fading Moon's Bounty: Report to Captain Sen - 600 XP and 4000 silver.
Once you've
killed Fading Moon, return to Captain Sen for your reward.
- 14. The Tanners Fong: Return the Elder to His Grave - Imperial City Quest
you've put down all three of the troublesome ghosts for Shen, he'll give
you this quest. Seems
that one of his corpses has upped roots and returned to his family
home. Shen wants you to
put this ghost back in his grave... you encounter Young Tanner Fong
standing outside the very
first house on the left in the Merchant District. You now have
Imperial City Quest 4.
- 15. A Mournful Ghost: Miss Chan Banished - 600 XP and 400 silver.
You get this quest
if you chose to destroy the ghost of Miss Chan. Return to Shen to collect
your reward.
The Imperial Arena is in the NW part of the
just to the west of where your followers are encamped. As soon as you go through the
doors, you witness a cut scene whereby one of the fighters gets the boot. He encourages
to take his place in the arena, and advises you to speak to Qui the Promoter, upstairs
in the
third room over or so.
If you're here on the Creative Yukong quest, then you will find Lady Rento in the third
over (west side of the arena upstairs). She disputes the fact that Yukong is a conman.
claims he's just a starving actor, to whom she gave a stipend. He's most likely to be
in the Scholar's Garden, where he's going to try out for a new play. Lady Rento says
he's probably
dressed as a scholar, but should stick out like a sore thumb... from which
you can surmise
that he's not very scholarly. You now have Quest 1 below.
As you try to enter the fourth room (NW part of the arena upstairs), you will witness Qui
Promoter having a run-in with the man (Lucky Cho) who threw out the fighter when you
entered the arena building. Qui then bumps into you. See Quest 2.
If you hang on till the bitter end and win the Gold Division, you get to fight The Ravager
for the title. Turns out to be the Black Whirlwind's brother, who he had left for dead. Anyway,
you gain the weapon style Tang's Vengeance for fighting The Ravager. This essentially gives
you the equivalent of the Black Whirlwind's axes. Then Kai Lan, ex-champion and ruthless
snake, challenges you to a final fight. You can ask the Black Whirlwind to fight in
your place,
as he's lusting for Kai Lan's blood, and then you get to take control of the
Black Whirlwind
for this fight. He's a bit slow, but powerful. Once you defeat Kai Lan, for
which you receive
a Superior Warrior Gem (Body +6), you are approached by a representative
of the Guild, one
Sweet Poison Lyn. She wants you to agree to a truce with the Guild. You
may as well accept.
I even thought I managed to wangle some silver for the deal with a successful
choice, but alas none materialised.
- 1. Creative Yukong's Bounty: Track Down Creative
See section on the
Scholar's Garden below.
- 2. The Imperial Arena: Win Your First Qualifying Match - 300 XP, 300
silver, and Quest
Speak to Qui the Promoter to arrange fights. Your first battle
is against an ogre.
No sweat.
- 3. The Imperial Arena: Win Your Second Qualifying Match - 325 XP, 400
silver, and Quest
Next you face four students. Piece of cake.
- 4. The Imperial Arena: Win Your Third Qualifying Match - 350 XP, 500
silver, and Quest
It's a statue next, in a race against the clock to destroy it.
Use Chi strike mode
to enhance the power of your attacks.
- 5. The Imperial Arena: Win Your Final Qualifying Match - 400 XP, 500
silver, and Quest
For your final qualifying match, you are pitted against Hapless
Han, the division
champion. He lives up to his name. After this bout, Qui says he needs
some time to arrange
your first fight in the Bronze Division. This might be a good time to
visit the Scholar's Garden
and seek out Silver Fox, if you haven't already done so. There's
really nothing to interest
you here until Qui has arranged your next fight. See Quest 6.
- 6. The Executioners: Become the Silver Champion - lots of XP and silver,
plus entrance
to the Lotus Assassin Fortress.
When you enter the Imperial Arena next
after learning
that the Executioner Guild may be interested in your endeavours, you are approached
by their
recruiter. He says you will only win his favour if you defeat the current champion
of the Silver
OK, let's cut to the quick here. You have to win all your Bronze and Silver Division matches.
I'm not going to bother to document each one. After you defeat Iron Soldier to take the Silver
Division title, The Executioner Recruiter approaches you, and you get an invitation to the
Fortress, the entrance to which is on the far side of the Necropolis, Hmm. It must be in
pagoda you discovered, had you been there earlier. He gives you a Lotus Executioner
Seal to
grant you passage. You now have Imperial City Quests 16 and 17.
Silk Fox meets you as soon as you step into
Scholar's Garden. She suspects that Death's Hand has commandeered the great factories
of the
empire, and is using them to his own ends to build a mighty army of golems, which
he intends
to use against the Emperor. She wants you to infiltrate the Lotus Assassins, as
she sees this
as the best way to expose the evil doings of Death's Hand. You can approach
this in two ways:
- By using your brawn to attract the attention of the Executioner Recruiter. You
to advance to the Silver Division in the Imperial Arena to do this. See Quest 1 below.
- By
using your brains to impress the Inquisitor Recruiter. See Quest 2 below.
Silk Fox now offers to join you as a follower. She is a great fighter.
You'll come upon Scholar Kongyu (get it?) in the NW area of the gardens. After speaking
him for a while, it is obvious that this must be Creative Yukong. You now have Quests
7 and
- 1. The Executioners: Seek Out the Executioner
Become a fighter at
the Imperial Arena, and Advance to the Silver Division.
The Executioner Recruiter hangs out
in the arena's tavern. See section on Imperial Arena
- 2. The Inquisitors: Talk to Scholar Dongow - Quest 3.
Dongow is just inside
the entrance to the gardens. Ask him about the Inquisitor Recruiter,
and he arranges a meeting
for you where your followers are encamped. See Quest 3. While you're
here, be sure to take
the Configuration of the Snake scroll from the Scroll stand near Scholar
Dongow. It will help
you with Lord Lao's Furnace, should you go that route.
- 3. The Inquisitors: Meet the Recruiter - Imperial City Quests 8 and 9.
Return to
where you first entered the Imperial City. The Inquisitor Recruiter appears. It
would seem
that Minister Sheng of Tien's Landing fame is coming to the Imperial City to present
Fang with a report that is very damning of the Lotus Assassins' activities. You
must pass a
test in order to be considered for induction into the Lotus Assassins. The test
involves figuring
out a way to prevent Minister Sheng from delivering that report, and they
would like you to
do it without resorting to violence. In other words: you are encouraged
to use your wits to
solve the problem. You are further informed that Sheng will be staying
at the hostel on the
Golden Way, and that Fang hangs out in the Imperial Arena.
Your comrades suggest some novel ways to complete this quest. The Black Whirlwind thinks
should kill one of them, but let's discount that idea as we are trying to apply a more
approach here. See Imperial City Quests 8 and 9 for further details. It goes without
that you can only take on one of these two quests, as they achieve the same goal.
- 4. The Outlander: Prepare for the Debate - 1000 XP and Quest 5.
You finally come
across the Outlander, a certain Sir Roderick Ponce von Fontlebottom the
Magnificent Bastard,
holding court in the south part of the gardens. You need to convince
him to leave the gardens.
First, you must challenge him to a debate. The important thing
here is to answer each question
in a different way, so as to appeal to the greatest cross
section of the five judges. Ready?
All you need do is ensure that at least three of the judges
have their hands up at the end
of the sixth topic. However, if all of the Judges have their
hands up at once, you immediately
win. Here is a solution that wins the debate after three
Topic #1: Sir Roderick questions your culture's use of silver as a currency, when
is intrinsically more valuable. Rebuttal #1: [Factual] "Scarcity proves gold
be reserved for higher purposes." Judges 2 and 3 are now siding with you.
Topic #2: Sir Roderick wants to know why your land does not impose its obvious superiority
of force on the outlying lands to subjugate them. Rebuttal #2: [Mocking] "We know
Outsiders are uncivilised. Look at you." Judges 2, 3, 4, and 5 have their hands raised. Looking
Topic #3: Sir Roderick wonders why your people have not used their obvious ingenuity
to develop sophisticated firearms. Rebuttal #3: [Raging] "A coward's trinket!
would feed it to you!" All the judges are siding with you now. The debate is won!
Now you have to fight Sir Roderick to be truly rid of him. See Quest 5.
- 5. The Outlander: Face the Outlander in Single Combat - a gift from Sir
Roderick and Quest
The Outlander has a gun, but you should be able to best him
without too much trouble.
Either use a long range magic attack, or get in close and keep
attacking to prevent him from
firing his weapon. Once you've defeated him, he somewhat gracefully
concedes and agrees to
leave the garden. He presents you with a gift of your choice before
departing. Choose wisely.
You can even acquire his firearm "Mirabelle" as a style. See Quest
6 next.
- 6. The Outlander: See the Minister of Culture - 1060 XP and 1250 silver.
You must
have completed Quest 5. Speak with the minister once more to collect your reward.
You can get
extra XP and silver if your conversation skills are high enough.
- 7. Creative Yukong's Bounty: Eliminate Yukong - 250 silver and Quest
(Closed Fist)
You can kill Yukong straight off, but this is a rather uncreative
approach. Better to take
the silver that he offers you, and then turn him in at the gate
anyway. See Quest 8.
- 8. Creative Yukong's Bounty: Aid Yukong's Escape - 1000 XP.
Palm) You travel
with Yukong to the gate, and distract Captain Sen while Yukong makes his...
er... escape. Open
Palm points for this.
(Closed Fist) Turn him in to Captain Sen for Closed Fist points. Also, you get the 4000
bounty for Yukong this way.
Ah, the blessed peace of being at school
again! The path up to the Black Leopard school is on the SW side of the Market District.
four over-ambitious students gains the attention of First Brother Kai, who tries
to recruit
you into the school. Well, you might as well accept. Whether you are on the trail
of Aishi
the Mournful Blade (see Imperial City Quest 7), or just looking to pick up some
new fighting
styles, it's probably worth your while to visit here for a time...
There are two rival Masters at the school: Master Radiant and Master Smiling Hawk. First
Kai informs you that you must fight your way through the five Brothers (Second Brother
is missing
at the moment) to gain the attention of the Masters. You begin with Quest 1
- 1. The Black Leopard School: Defeat Sixth Brother
Gaoshan - 300 XP and Quest 3.
No trouble finding Gaoshan. He's just to the east of
First Brother Kai. But... while speaking
to him, he diverts your attention to a woman meditating
behind him who can only be Aishi the
Mournful Blade. So you might as well get this over with
first. See Quest 2. After that, defeating
Gaoshan is a piece of cake, and you now have Quest
- 2. Aishi the Mournful Blade: Deal with Aishi the Mournful Blade - 2500
silver and a powerful
You approach Aishi. Followers of the Way of the Open Palm
will find her willing to
talk. If you are following the Way of the Closed Fist, one of your
conversation skills must
be at least at the 50 mark (which will no doubt involve quite a
bit of gem shuffling), before
she will tell her story... it would appear that Captain Sen
was responsible for a very bad
deed in his youth and Aishi, being in love, covered up for
him. At any time you can elect to
kill Aishi and collect her bounty from Captain Shen (2500
silver), but it's much more fun to
visit Captain Sen with Aishi in tow:
(Open Palm) Let Aishi exact her revenge on Captain Shen. You then kill Aishi to put her
of her misery. You can't collect a bounty from Shen now... but as you are walking away
bump into the old man who alerted you to Aishi's presence in the Imperial City. Turns
out he
is the ghost of Aishi's father. For putting her to rest, you receive 2500 silver,
a Gem of
Unity (Body +3, Mind +3, Spirit +3), and Open Palm points.
(Closed Fist) Betray Aishi at the last moment and kill her, preventing her from killing
Captain Shen rewards you with 5000 silver for this, and you get Closed Fist points.
In any case where Shen is still left alive, he presents you with a Gem of Mastery (Body
Mind +3, Spirit +3) which may only be used by followers of the Way of the Closed Fist.
- 3. The Black Leopard School: Defeat Fifth Brother Shangjin - 400 XP
and Quest 4.
Head into the school, and you'll find the Fifth Brother's room just
to the left. You get Quest
4 after defeating him.
- 4. The Black Leopard School: Defeat Fourth Brother Yu - 500 XP and Quest
5 or 6.
Fourth Brother Yu's room is right next to the Fifth Brother's room. After
defeating the Fourth
Brother you are approached by the Third Brother, who will not fight
you yet, but takes you
to see Smiling Hawk instead. You learn that Second Brother has died,
and Smiling Hawk wants
you to replace him. In order to gain Second Brother's place, Smiling
Hawk wants you to eliminate
Master Radiant. Hmm. You now have Quest 5 or 6, depending on
whether or not you accepted Smiling
Hawk's offer.
- 5. The Black Leopard School: Defeat Third Brother Renshan - 750 XP and
Quest 7.
Palm) Ignore Smiling Hawk's offer, and challenge Third Brother. Smiling
Hawk has promised to
make this very difficult for you as you have refused his proposition.
You'll find Renshan in
the communal/dining area. Puts up a bit of a fight alright. Afterwards,
First Brother Kai says
you don't have to fight him and takes you to meet Master Radiant who
is... wait for it... a
spirit! Smiling Hawk stole his fighting style and also his life with
a special style of his
own that he mastered from reading books. But Master Radiant thinks
he cannot use this trick
on you. You offer to rid him of Smiling Hawk. See Quest 7.
- 6. The Black Leopard School: Kill First Brother Kai - Hidden Fist style
and some powerful
(Closed Fist) Master Smiling Hawk wants you to kill First
Brother Kai, and then
Master Radiant so that he can control the school. First Brother Kai
is standing outside where
you first spoke to him. Once you kill him, Master Radiant emerges.
He is immune to weapon styles,
so this can be a very tough fight indeed. After you defeat
him, Smiling Hawk teaches you the
Hidden Fist style, and also gives you a Gem of Black Flame
(Mind +3, Spirit +3). Only followers
of the Way of the Closed Fist may use this gem. He encourages
you to ransack Master Radiant's
room as well, where you will find the Warrior of the Inner
Eye technique (Focus +7, Intuition
+1). Smiling Hawk has told you that you must now leave
the school. Don't let the door hit you
on the way out!
- 7. The Black Leopard School: Kill Master Smiling Hawk - Paralyzing Palm
style and some
powerful gems.
(Open Palm) Seek out Master Smiling Hawk in his room,
and be ready for
a tough fight. For defeating Smiling Hawk, Master Radiant teaches you the
Paralyzing Palm style,
and gives you the Heaven's Blessing Gem. It surrounds you with an
aura of wind that damages
anyone who attacks you, and may only be used by followers of the
Way of the Open Palm. Then
First Brother Kai also presents you with two gifts: a Gem of Inner
Genius (Mind +10, Body -5,
Spirit -5), and the technique Rote of the Endless Mind (Focus
+5, Chi +5). Your time here is
You need to have been recruited by
Lotus Assassins in order to gain access, via Imperial Arena Quest 6, or Imperial City
10... but before you enter the fortress, a word of caution: you are going to a place
golems are being manufactured. If you have read your manual carefully concerning the
styles, you will have noted that golems are immune to all but weapon styles. So,
you should
either be somewhat proficient at a weapon style already, or be willing to pour
all your style
points on your next level-up into your weapon style before you need to face
a golem. You will
at least have some time inside the fortress before this happens. You have
been warned. Failure
to heed this warning may result in you having to replay a large portion
of the game!
The entrance to this fortress is in the NE part of the Necropolis, in the large pagoda
that apparently serves as a tomb. As you approach the pagoda, you witness Sagacious
Zu, who
had left your party earlier, sneaking into the pagoda...
Use one of the seals given to you by a Lotus Assassin Recruiter on the blessing board to
access to the fortress. Upon entering the fortress you meet The Watcher, and you get
1 below.
After you have completed Quest 3, the outer chamber of the fortress opens up to you somewhat.
Talk to the Keeper of the Archive, in the alcove just to the SW of where Gang is standing.
She will at least relate some of the long history of the Lotus Assassins. Make sure you read
the bookstands there for valuable XP. The scroll stand there contains another one of these
cryptic messages. This one is called the Configuration of the Rabbit.
You can try to get training from Acolyte Trainer Guang, who is standing just to the east
Master Gang. However, you turn out to be much better than she is, and Gang quickly makes
the new trainer. Acolyte Trainer Guang has at least one useful technique for sale. For
silver you get Eye of Inner Darkness (Chi +15, Focus +5). Now you can approach members
of Shin's
entourage, who are guarding the inner chamber, and 'train' them. After you kill
the first two,
the rest get mighty upset and all of them take you on at once. You have gained
a bit of XP,
silver, and prestige for this experience.
- 1. Infiltrate the Lotus Assassin Fortress: Find
Your New Master - Quest 2.
Watcher tells you to seek out Master Gang, at the
opposite end of the Hall of Induction. As
you make your way to down the steps into the hall,
some students challenge you. After that,
Zu approaches and gives you a cryptic warning. You
are still not sure which side he is on.
If you head down the right-hand side of the hall you will meet Merchant Kia Jong. Ask him
he's related to Kia Min. Turns out she's his niece:
(Open Palm) Tell him she was last well when you saw her, and describe one of her physical
(any one will do, I believe), and he will give you a discount.
(Closed Fist) You don't get any conversation options that lead to a discount.
You see Master Gang being reprimanded by Master Shin as you approach. You now have Quest
- 2. Infiltrate the Lotus Assassin Fortress: Follow Gang to the Chambers
Below - Quest 3.
Master Gang bids you to follow him. At the bottom of the stairs,
you receive Quest 3.
- 3. Infiltrate the Lotus Assassin Fortress: Defeat the Rampaging Ghosts
- Quests 4 and
For your first task as a Lotus Assassin acolyte, Gang wants you
to get rid of some
ghosts that were unwittingly released by Master Shin. So head over the
bridge and enter the
room to the west. Defeat the spirits there, then report back to Master
Gang. You now have Quests
4 and 5.
- 4. Create a Spirit Shard: Go to the Soul Extraction Chamber - Quest 6.
The entrance
to the Soul Extractor is in the same room where you defeated the ghosts. As
you approach the
door, Zu appears in order to deliver another cryptic message. He says there
is a way to corrupt
the spirit shard, and you are to go to the deepest mines and seek out
thieves who await you
You speak to Lotus Acolyte Go Rin once you enter the chamber. Ask her if the Soul Extractor
is dangerous. She confirms it will not suit your purposes for killing Master Shin as it leaves
behind nothing but a spirit shard.
She also confirms that the lower mines are dangerous and infested with evil spirits. You
have Quest 6.
- 5. Kill Master Shin: Find a Way to Kill and Disgrace Shin - Quest 8.
You must find
a way to kill Master Shin, and it must be made to look like an embarrassing
accident. Master
Gang suggests that either the Soul Extraction Chamber or the Golem Press
Room contain dangerous
equipment that would help you in your quest. You are to speak with
the acolytes in each place,
and return when you have found a suitable means of killing Master
Go to the Golem Press Room, take the wooden steps up to the operator, and speak to him.
learn that dying in the golem press would indeed be an embarrassing way to go. You now
Quest 8.
- 6. Create a Spirit Shard: Search the Lower Mine - Quest 7.
the elevator controls,
and go to the prison level first:
(Open Palm) You can kill the guard there, open the prison door, and promise to kill the
Extractor operator so that the prisoners can make their escape. Then go back outside
and tell
Lotus Acolyte Go Rin that you are freeing the slaves. Kill her, then inform the
slave leader.
They now make their escape, and you get 500 XP and Open Palm points for this.
(Closed Fist) Sorry, nothing for you here. I thought you might be allowed to make a proper
spirit shard from one of the slaves here to provide yet another twist to the plot... but
it was not to be. Even if you free them and then inform acolyte Lotus Acolyte Go Rin
that the
slaves have escaped and need to be killed, she willfully does it herself, and you
get no Closed
Fist points.
Next, go to the abandoned deep-level mine. You fight a powerful Horselord spirit called
Sai, then Zu appears again. Now his purpose is made clear. He wanted to confirm that
you were
indeed a Spirit Monk. He says that before you present Master Gang with the spirit
shard produced
from Zeng Sai's body, a shard that will certainly corrupt the golem army as
it is made from
a pure chaotic spirit, you must first complete the other quest your Master
has given you. See
Quest 7.
- 7. Create a Spirit Shard: Make a Corrupted Spirit Shard - a chaotic Golem
Spirit Shard.
Advance to the back of this area and access the ancient coffin. Take
Zeng Sai's body, and you
return to the Soul Extractor to create a corrupted Golem Spirit
Shard. Now we have to find
a way to kill Shin. See Quest 5.
- 8. Kill Master Shin: Return to Master Gang - Quests 9, 10, and 11.
Hmm. Not as easy
as all that. Gang thinks it will be impossible to lure Shin into the Golem
Press Room. So you
propose killing him and then putting his body in the press. Gang thinks
your plan might work,
but there are three things you must do first to make it possible for
you to kill Shin and plant
his body in the Golem Press Room without anyone witnessing these
events. You now have Quests
9, 10, and 11.
- 9. Kill Master Shin: Clear the Hall of Induction - 260 XP.
only time Master Shin
apparently leaves his quarters is to receive shipments of slaves in
the Hall of Induction.
You must clear the hall so there will be no witnesses when you kill
him. First, talk to the
Merchant Kia Jong. Use whatever conversation skill is strongest to
convince him to leave. He
agrees to move his wares down to the central chambers. Then talk
to the Lotus Assassin Sorcerer
at the far end of the hall. He tries to summon spirits via
the acolytes there to power the
golems, but it all goes wrong. You have to kill off the things
he summoned, and then he flees.
Finally, go speak with the two mold masters. They say the
only way they will leave the hall
is if the golem press malfunctions. You learn that using
the wrong amount of Phoenix Oil in
the press will cause this. Use too much in the machine
and it burns too hot; too little and
the golems crumble.
So... once I removed the press operator, I made at least 10 clay golems in the hope that
would affect the Phoenix Oil supply, but when I returned to the hall and talked to the
masters after that, there were no extra conversation choices. Also, I could find no
means by
which to insert Phoenix Oil into the press. So in the end, I had to resort to violence
to finally
clear the hall, as below.
(Closed Fist) You can just kill the mold masters to remove them from the hall, for Closed
- 10. Kill Master Shin: Remove Press Operator - 200 XP.
Talk to
the press operator.
He is, of course, reluctant to leave. Just tell him that his position
depends on Master Gang's.
You can raise him *if* there are no prying eyes. He then agrees
to leave. Now you can try making
a few clay golems if you wish. There is only one choice
to make at each stage of the operation.
Not difficult. But you apparently gain nothing for
these efforts.
- 11. Kill Master Shin: Stop the Slave Shipment - 600 XP.
exit the fortress and
go back into the Necropolis. A short way along the path you will encounter
the slave shipment.
You can try your conversation skills on the Lotus Assassin to convince
her that you should
take the shipment inside instead (not a likely prospect), or you can
just kill the Lotus Assassins.
(Open Palm) Let the slaves go free, for Open Palm points.
(Closed Fist) Kill all the slaves, for Closed Fist points.
In any case, if you have completed Quests 9, 10, and 11, you have now made the way clear
killing Shin, and you have Quest 12.
- 12. Kill Master Shin: Kill Master Shin - 1395 XP and Quest 13.
When you return to
the Hall of Induction after stopping the slave shipment, Master Shin and
any attendants that
you haven't already killed are there. During the ensuing battle, Shin
activates the two nearby
clay golems, so you will have to switch to a weapon style to defeat
them. Once you have defeated
Shin, you put his body in the golem press. Master Gang visits
to see the results of your handiwork,
and you gain a promotion. See Quest 13.
- 13. Infiltrate the Lotus Assassin Fortress: Go to the Inner Chambers
- final Dragon Amulet
fragment and evidence of treachery.
You can now proceed to
the inner chambers of the fortress,
where Gang intends to let you present the Golem Spirit
Shard to Grand Inquisitor Jia herself.
As the quest info says, make certain you have finished
all other business in the fortress before
going, including charging up your Spirit and Focus.
Zu approaches as you leave the Golem Press Room, and confesses that it was he that killed
Li's family on the orders of Death's Hand all those years ago. But it looks as if
he is firmly
on your side now...
Once you enter the inner chambers and Master Gang presents them with your corrupted Golem
Shard, mayhem ensues. The Grand Inquisitor Jia appears and sets one of the uncorrupted
on you. This is a tough fight, but you acquire the Jade Golem style as a result. Reading
scroll stand there grants you the technique Legacy of Death's Hand, which gives you Chi
if you took the time to read all the other books in the fortress.
Now go up the steps and face Grand Inquisitor Jia. Defeating her nets you the final Dragon
Amulet fragment, so remember you now have two extra gem slots. You are going to need them!
As your character walks to the top of what looks to be an altar to collect the Dragon Amulet
fragment, Death's Hand himself appears and turfs you to the floor. Fortunately for you, Zu
is there to hold him off while you make your escape, but in doing so he fells a supporting
column on top of himself and Death's Hand and the tomb begins to crumble. You must make your
way out of the fortress now, and there are a lot of Lotus Assassins to fight on the way.
emerge in the Unfinished Tomb, and then have to defeat The Watcher and his support act.
now have Quest 14.
- 14. The Emperor and the Assassins: Return to the Flyer - Quest 15.
You must fight
your way out of the Necropolis, then you return immediately to the flyer.
Silk Fox is shattered
now that she realises that what you have discovered seems to implicate
her father even more
so than Death's Hand. She insists on going to the palace right away
to confront her father.
See Quest 15.
- 15. The Emperor and the Assassins: Get Ready to Leave.
You can
choose to leave for
the palace straight away, but you have the option to stay here for a
while to gather more supplies/experience.
Your character should be somewhere near level 15
or 16 by now. Return to the flyer when you
are ready to leave for the palace. See Chapter
4 next.
Chapter 4 Wherein the palace keeps its secrets, An Emperor
is met in battle, And a Master shows his gratitude.
You infiltrated and destroyed the Lotus Assassin fortress, and learned that the Emperor
full knowledge of what was held there. It was a costly endeavour, and the loss of one
of your
fellows casts a pall across your coming confrontation in the palace of the mighty
Emperor Sun
You arrive at the magnificent floating palace, only
find it heavily guarded by Lotus Assassins. You now have Quest 1.
- 1. The Height of Power: Seek the Emperor.
Make your way to the throne room via
Princess Lian's private entrance, though now it is guarded
by Lotus Assassins. When you reach
the throne room, Emperor Sun Hai is there interrogating
Master Li. After a brief three-way
conversation between yourself, Princess Lian, and the
Emperor, everyone clears the room and
the Emperor sends several waves of guards against you.
Then you must fight a few more tougher
guards at the next level. Finally, you get to confront
the Emperor alone. But this is your
most difficult battle yet. He keeps switching immunities,
and you have to adapt by switching
between martial, magical, and weapon styles.
Once you've defeated the Emperor, Master Li approaches... and summarily kills you! Turns
that his part in these affairs was not at all what you were led to believe. You were
a small yet important player in his grand scheme of revenge. But you don't know the
why of
it all yet. Anyway, you are dead. Moving right along to Chapter 5 then...
Chapter 5 Wherein the Water Dragon intervenes, True
is revealed, And the Spirit Monk legacy is reclaimed.
The defeat of Emperor Sun Hai was supposed to set things right, but with one careful blow,
Master Li left you crumpled on the floor, a pawn in his carefully plotted revenge. The spirit
realm stretches before you, but a beacon in the distance calls. You are not yet lost to the
You awake in the land of spirits, with the
Dragon's spirit beckoning you to a beacon of light in the distance. You have Quest
- 1. The Land of Spirits: Find the Water Dragon
- Quest 2.
Fight your way to the
Water Dragon's beacon. The bad news is that you
are dead. The good news is that though Master
Li now has the physical Dragon Amulet, the
'spirit' of it appears to still be with you.
- 2. The Land of Spirits: Find the Abbot in Dirge.
When you finally
make your way to
the Water Dragon, she explains some more of Master Li's treachery to you,
and has just enough
strength to send you to Dirge as a spirit. There, she will be able to
restore you to full life
once you carry out a task for her. See section on Ruins of Dirge
At the top of the steps you will find Abbot
Here you learn the full details of the story of Emperor Sun Hai's massacre at Dirge...
now you know who (or what) Death's Hand is. He was wrought from the slaughtered body
of the
Emperor's brother Sun Kin by the enraged Emperor himself, using Sun Li's abandoned
You now have Quest 1, as the Water Dragon outlined to you earlier. And Abbot Song
joins you
as a follower.
- 1. The Land of Spirits: Restore the Fountains
of Dirge - 3000 XP.
You must replace
the seals of the fountains, which have been
shattered by the blood of the dying Spirit Monks.
Unfortunately, each fountain has a really
tough guardian... or two, that has been bound to
it by the treacherous Emperor. The first
fountain is in the SW part of the area you are in
now. Once you defeat the guardians, you
can use the Dirge Fountain Seal you receive on the
fountain, and the previously sealed gates
to the monastery are now open.
Head into the monastery, and you immediately meet the Water Dragon. Once past her, you
upon a Spirit Font, thankfully, and then you discover that the seal to the second fountain
has been stolen. Then a fearsome demon called the Minion of Suffering appears, and bids you
to follow him if you want to recover the seal. This is Quest 3, if you choose to take it
But Abbot Song has a better plan. See Quest 2.
- 2. Gem of Power: Find the Gem - an extremely powerful gem.
Song tells you about
a very powerful gem that is hidden somewhere on the western side of
the courtyard, and would
give you an edge in battle against the Minion of Suffering. So head
along the path to the west,
where there's a Brilliant Gem of Balance in an urn next to the
gate (Body +4, Spirit +4, Mind
+4), through the gate, and up the steps to confront the spirit
of the Red Minister. He's actually
quite easy to defeat, and you learn Red Minister style
(makes you immune to Support and Weapon
styles, but drains a lot of Chi). Then access the
gem repository and you get:
(Open Palm) Eye of the Dragon (Body +6, Mind +6, Spirit +6, Celestial Aura: 5% chance a
will knock attackers down when you are struck).
(Closed Fist) The Eye of the Demon (Body +6, Mind +6, Spirit +6, Demon Skin: when damaged,
the wielder has a 5% chance of draining a small amount of the attacker's Health).
Now you have a better chance at Quest 3.
- 3. The Land of Spirits: Confront the Minion of Suffering - second fountain
Take the path to the SE here, fighting demons all the way. At the top of the
path, you enter
a cave. More demons here, and then finally you confront the Minion of Suffering,
a dreaded
bull demon. You now have another Dirge Fountain Seal, and Quest 4.
- 4. The Land of Spirits: Restore the Second Fountain - 3000 XP and Quest
Head back
out of the cave, return to the second fountain, and use the Dirge Fountain
Seal on it. Now
the gates to the temple courtyard open. See Quest 5.
- 5. The Land of Spirits: Destroy the Abomination in the Temple - you live
once again.
Head into the temple courtyard, and you meet the Water Dragon once again.
It appears that in
order to curtail the powers of Master Li, you will have to destroy her
physical body. It is
being held somewhere within the floating palace. She divests you of
the services of Abbot Song,
and you can ask her all the questions you want about what is
inside the temple, but you will
be none the wiser. All you know is that something especially
nasty has been lurking here for
20 years. Time to go find out what it is... well, I don't
want to spoil the surprise!
So head up the large steps in the north part of this area to confront your demons.
Once you are victorious, the Water Dragon brings you back to life in the real Dirge. You
have Quest 6.
- 6. The Return to Dirge: Get Your Bearings - Quest 7.
As soon
as you start to wander,
you are attacked by horse demons. Just destroy the glowing orb that
is channelling them here,
and they will be destroyed. Quest 7 next.
- 7. The Return to Dirge: Find the Others - become reunited with your followers.
know that the Water Dragon has sent a message to your followers to come to Dirge through
Star. So your next task is to find them. But not so fast, there's a few things you can
do around
the temple first.
The statue of Mah Tsung acts like a Spirit Font, and the Heavenly Gate Guardian statue
a Focus Shrine. In various piles of bones scattered around the place, you will begin
to find
Pages from the Tome of Release. It is relatively important to scour every set of
bones from
now on until you find the full set of pages if you want to see how this plays
Read the Bookstand between the two statues to receive the Mantra of Inspiration, and then
to the temple entrance where you will find the meditation wheels it mentions. Looks like
missing some vital parts. If you go down the steps behind the huge dragon head, you'll
some Machined Cogs in a chest there. Then head back upstairs and use the Machined Cogs
the meditation wheels to repair them. You restore 3 of the wheels to working order, but
not enough. So don't do anything else with the wheels yet. Now exit the temple and
go to the
bottom of the steps. You witness your friends arriving in (somewhat) majestic style
via the
Dragonfly. And so begins Chapter 6. Perhaps we will find the remaining meditation
wheel parts
and Tome Pages somewhere else?
Chapter 6 Wherein a friend is returned to the living,
is under siege once more, And the fate of Death's Hand is sealed.
Restoring the fountains of Dirge has allowed the Water Dragon to grant you a second chance
at life. Your followers now rush to be at your side, but Sun Li also moves. He knows the
a Spirit Monk poses. Here, at the ruins of Dirge, history will repeat itself in spectacular
Continue searching carefully around the temple
courtyard, and you will find more Pages from the Tome of Release. Then exit the temple courtyard,
and you will find your followers near some tents they have pitched. After your reunion, they
retire for the night to rest for tomorrow's imminent battle. But don't rest yourself yet,
have a little more to do.
Scour this area for bones and you should find the remaining Pages from the Tome of Release
and... a set of Beveled Cogs. Let's go perform the ritual from the Tome of Release first:
(Open Palm) Perform the ritual at the statue of Mah Tsung. For releasing the spirits of
trapped imperial guards, you receive the technique The Turning Wheel (Focus +7, Chi +7)
Open Palm points.
(Closed Fist) Use the Heavenly Gate Guardian statue instead. This channels the strength
the dead Spirit Monk guards into your body, forever ruining their chances of attaining
an afterlife.
For this, you receive the technique The Broken Wheel (Chi +7, Health +7), and
Closed Fist points.
Time for the meditation wheels next. Use the Beveled Cogs to repair 2 more wheels. Oops.
3 remain to be repaired. Fortunately, you are informed this is the best you can do.
So meditate
now, and you receive the technique Communion of the Dragon (Health +5, Chi +15).
Now you can complete Quest 1 below, in restful assurance that you have prepared for tomorrow
as best you can.
- 1. The Return to Dirge: Retire to the Campsite
- bring on tomorrow.
Go to your
tent to rest, aware that this will bring on tomorrow's
taxing events...
Once you awake the next morning, things begin to happen rather quickly. The group decides
Kang should go destroy the lone bridge to the monastery, cutting off the main forces.
You can
choose either Dawn Star or Silk Fox to lead this sabotage expedition, and that will
be the
character you take control of... but before you set off for the bridge, a spirit appears
Dawn Star and tells her of caches of powerful weapons that are scattered around the place,
open for all to pilfer now that the wards that were hiding them have been broken. I found
of Broken Bough in a hidden urn behind the first Dirge fountain. I'm assuming that
this is
the weapon either Silk Fox or Dawn Star gets to use in the next sequence.
So then take your party down to the bridge, and Kang sets about mining it. You have to
him from all comers for a few minutes as he does this. Once the bridge is blown, head
through the gates and...
You now take control of the Black Whirlwind, to defend the courtyard from a huge Jade Golem
and several Assassins that have been dropped in by flyer. You now have Quest 2.
- 2. Defend Dirge from Sun Li's Troops: Make Your Way Into the Temple -
Death's Hand put
to rest.
As the Black Whirlwind, you now have a small amount of
time to search the courtyard
before retreating to the temple. On the west side of the courtyard
is a hidden urn (that appears
as you approach) containing Maker's Bane and Placid Guiju.
I never found out exactly what these
were, as the Black Whirlwind doesn't have any inventory
or styles that you can access. You
can exit the courtyard and explore the area around the
tents, but there are no more hidden
items here - only enemies for the Black Whirlwind to
plow through. When you are finished exploring,
head back into the temple. As you do this,
the temple bell rings...
Your character gains control again, and you speak to Sky. During his little scouting expedition,
he was approached by Lotus Assassins and tempted into betraying you as ransom for his daughter.
He made them believe that he was accepting their offer, and that bell ringing was a signal
that Death's Hand could approach unopposed. Death's Hand enters then, only to see his accomplices
wiped out by explosive charges that Sky had set in ambush.
You now have to defeat Death's Hand one-on-one, the way you always knew it would be. Not
difficult, but no cake walk either. Then the avatar of Sun Li appears, and resurrects
Hand. Oh no, not again! But you are the one who is *physically* here, and so are
stronger than
Li, and you manage to release the spirit of Sun Kin from Death's Hand. You
then take control
as the spirit of Sun Kin against Death's Hand, and put him down again (a
much easier battle
this time. But if you lose it, Sun Kin's sprit is finally free, and you
don't get any of the
choices below). Sun Kin is no longer controlled by Master Li. You now
have a choice:
(Open Palm) Let Sun Kin's spirit rest.
(Closed Fist) You can choose to have Sun Kin bound to you instead. For this you receive
Way of the Closed Fist (Intimidation +10, Body +5, Spirit -5), and Closed Fist points,
course. When you then go to meet your followers, most of them are very unsettled by what
have done to Sun Kin, and they will not follow you any longer. Now you have another decision
to make:
(Open Palm) Release Sun Kin.
(Closed Fist) Bind Dawn Star to you as an example to the rest.
After these memorable scenes, Kang needs some time to prepare the Dragonfly for its journey
back to the palace. Meanwhile, Chapter 7 begins.
Chapter 7 Wherein the cost of war is tallied, A Master
finally confronted, And the fate of an Empire is decided.
You have come far, from borderland school to the ruins of Dirge, and now the fate of the
depends on the decisions before you. Stung by the loss of Death's Hand and the defeat
of his
siege force, Emperor Sun Li readies for your inevitable confrontation in the palace.
You have Quest 1 below.
- 1. A Master's Fate: Return to the Palace - Quest
When you are ready, talk
to Kang. He flies you all back to the palace...
You now have Quest 1.
- 1. A Master's Fate: Find the Water Dragon's Body
- stop the flow of power to Sun
Li plus a powerful gem.
You must find the body of
the Water Dragon and destroy it, to
halt the transfer of her power to Sun Li. Keep going
until you meet with the spirit of the
Water Dragon. She asks you to follow her downstairs
to see what has become of her body. The
rest of your followers head off for a while, and
you head down on the immense lift. Whoa. The
family Sun have removed the heart of the Water
Dragon, and turned the husk of the creature
into a grotesque perpetual fountain. It fuels
the Jade Empire with water and power, but at
the expense of other places in the world that
need her attention. Your followers join you again
to witness this scene. You can decide whether
or not to end this injustice through conversation:
(Open Palm) Decide to put an end to the Water Dragon's suffering. Your character then throws
a spear into the cogs of the machinery, destroying it and bringing an end to the twisted
being channelled to Sun Li. Open Palm points for this, natch. And you receive a very
gem: The Open Palm (Spirit +10, Mind +5).
(Closed Fist) Well, you managed to come this far by being a total bastard, so why stop
you can choose to taint the body of the Water Dragon with the blood of one of your
But your followers stand together as one, and now you must defeat them all. For
choosing this
turn of events, you get The Closed Fist (Body +10, Spirit +5).
No matter which of the options you chose above, you disrupted the flow of power from the
Dragon to Sun Li, and you can now take him on. By the way, I found a Scintillating
Gem of Power
(Body + 5, Spirit +5, Mind +5) in a headstone in the northern part of this area.
When you are finished at the Water Dragon's tomb, exit the area and you are taken to a
quite close to the throne room. For his first trick, Sun Li conjures some bull elephant
from stone. These are pretty tough demons, but you can probably just manage to scrape
by. Oops,
very little Health and Chi left probably. Not to worry though, as next Sun Li turns
you to
stone, and takes you to the spirit realm. Your energies are restored completely as
you take
on a few of his avatars in the spirit realm. You can't figure out how to get back
to the real
world, but the spirit of Sagacious Zu appears to help you out once you approach
the column.
Finally, you must take on Li himself. Just remember to duck or block his powerful bolts
you try to get close to him, then use Chi Strike Mode to inflict maximum damage when you
in close. Once you defeat Sun Li, the game is over. You have saved the Jade Empire...
There are two endings, both quite abrupt. Basically, the Open Palm ending has everyone
for you, while in the Closed Fist ending they bow in fearsome supplication.
Be sure to read the blurbs concerning what happens to your followers after the game. Quite
amusing if you chose the Way of the Open Palm, quite disturbing for Closed Fist types.
Appendix A: Followers Here is a synopsis of each follower,
in the order that you can acquire them.
 | Dawn Star
Long Sword, Support: Recovers your Chi Dawn Star's attacks can damage spirits.
You have Dawn Star on your side soon after
the game
begins, and she is handy to have around till the very end. |
 | Sagacious Zu
Attack: Staff, Support: You deal extra damage with weapon styles Zu's attacks can damage
spirits. | Zu is an enigmatic character to
say the least. You meet him in the swamp outside Two Rivers, and you are never quite sure
his loyalty to you, though for a large part of the game he proves to be a trustworthy
ally. |
 | Chai Ka/Wild Flower
Attack: Demon form, Support: Recovers your Health Chai Ka's attacks can damage spirits. |
Chai Ka is otherwise known as the Heavenly Gate
Guardian. You meet him at the Dam Site in Tien's Landing. His avatar on earth is a gentle
named Wild Flower. |
 | The Black Whirlwind
Attack: Dual Axes, Support: None The Black Whirlwind's attacks can damage spirits. |
One of the strongest followers available. You
meet him in the Great Southern Forest. Has a penchant for hitting the booze, but it never
to affect his game. |
 | Kang the Mad
Noncombatant Speak with Kang to access Dragonfly mini-games and to travel. |
You meet Kang at the pirate stronghold near Tien's
He's a great man for the old explosives, and the Empire's premier flyer designer.
You need
to speak with him to pursue quests in the mini-game. |
 | Sky Attack:
Dual Sabers, Support: Recovers your Focus Sky's attacks can damage spirits. |
Another enigmatic character that you meet at the pirate
stronghold, near Tien's Landing. Sky is a competent fighter. |
 | Henpecked Hou
Attack: None, Support: Drops wine jugs that enable the Drunken Master style. |
Gotta love this guy. He teaches you Drunken Master style,
and is handy enough to have around the place. |
 | Silk Fox Attack:
Long Sword, Support: You deal extra damage with martial styles Silk Fox's attacks can
spirits. | Silk Fox is none other
than the
Emperor Sun Hai's daughter in disguise. An adept fighter who is definitely one of
your best
allies, even if she is a bit of a spoiled brat. |
 | Abbot Song
Monk Spade, Support: Recovers your Chi, Focus, and Health Abbot Song's attacks
can damage
spirits. | He's with you at the
Ruins of Dirge,
when you have no one else to turn to... because you're, like, dead at the
time. |
 | Death's Hand
Attack: Fallen Blades, Support: None Death's Hand's attacks can damage spirits. |
If you are a follower of the Way of the Closed
and all-around maligned type, you can acquire Death's Hand at the Ruins of Dirge by
first defeating
him in combat, and then binding him to your will. |
Appendix B: Fighting Styles Here is a summary of the various
fighting styles available to you in Jade Empire. I found that sticking to the ones you encountered
early on and boosting their capabilities to the max worked best. You mileage may vary.
White Demon
Available upgrades: Damage Increase, Chi Damage, Speed Increase.
This style can complete a Harmonic Combo.
Many martial artists criticise the White Demon style for being slow and ponderous, but
in the
hands of a true master it can be one of the deadliest styles of all. While it lacks
the crowd-pleasing
panache of faster styles, White Demon's sheer power and intimidating techniques
plow through
opponents like an ogre in a teahouse.
Where to obtain this style: one of the starting styles.
Leaping Tiger
Available upgrades: Damage Increase, Chi Damage, Speed Increase.
This style can complete a Harmonic Combo.
With the vigor and speed of the animal for which this martial style was named, Leaping
dazzles onlookers even as it carves up opponents. Practitioners of this martial style
so completely on the strength and quickness of the tiger that razor-sharp claws seem
to sprout
from their fists. The style's quick, leaping techniques and punishing strikes create
a flurry
of death that can keep even armed opponents at bay.
Where to obtain this style: one of the starting styles.
Legendary Strike
Available upgrades: Damage Increase, Chi Damage, Speed Increase.
This style can complete a Harmonic Combo.
Many in the Jade Empire have heard of Legendary Strike, but few have actually seen it in
Fewer still have mastered this martial style, but those who have are to be feared;
their blows
rain down too fast to block, and their kicks can quickly put an opponent out
for good.
Where to obtain this style: one of the starting styles.
Thousand Cuts
Available upgrades: Damage Increase, Chi Damage, Speed Increase.
This style can complete a Harmonic Combo.
Thousand Cuts is aptly named, though the style does not involve blades. A master of this
relies on numerous light strikes in quick succession instead of singular punishing
blows or
thunderous kicks. Most opponents reel under such a relentless assault, unable to
counter fast
enough to find an opening for their own attacks.
Where to obtain this style: one of the starting styles.
Drunken Master
Available upgrades: none.
This style can complete a Harmonic Combo.
Pick up Hou's wine jugs to activate Drunken Master style. This style does much more damage
than other martial styles, but is only available for a short time once activated. Picking
more wine jugs extends the duration of Drunken Master style.
Henpecked Hou is a mater bun maker and a former fighting champion. He refuses to fight
days out of respect for his beloved wife.
Where to obtain this style: Henpecked Hou, Pilgrim's Rest Inn, Great Southern Forest.
Heavenly Wave
Available upgrades: Chi Damage, Duration Increase, Speed Increase.
Does direct damage in Chi Strike mode. This style's Power Attack can initiate a Harmonic
Combo that produces a Health power-up.
Fighters skilled in Heavenly Wave learn techniques that can slow their opponents to a crawl.
While this Support style does no damage on its own, a master can manipulate the chi in the
area around opponents, rendering them sluggish and easily defeated. Even the most lightning-fast
of foes can be slowed to a turtle's pace with the application of Heavenly Wave.
Where to obtain this style: one of the starting styles.
Paralyzing Palm
Available upgrades: Chi Damage, Duration Increase, Speed Increase.
Does direct damage in Chi Strike mode. This style's Power Attack can initiate a Harmonic
This esoteric style has a sinister reputation, but many more peaceful masters prefer it
its ability to render an opponent helpless without killing him. More unscrupulous masters
advantage of this style's paralysing blows to weaken foes for the killing blow. It is
around its magical palm strikes, which can stop a man in his tracks with a single
Where to obtain this style: Master Radiant, Black Leopard School, Imperial City.
Hidden Fist
Available upgrades: Chi Damage, Duration Increase, Speed Increase.
Does direct damage in Chi Strike mode. This style's Area Attack can initiate a Harmonic
Combo that produces a Chi power-up.
Warriors willing to tread a darker path learn that a confused mind is a weakened one. This
infamous support style is a collection of techniques that render the practitioner's foe disoriented
and unable to fight back. A master of Hidden Fist is not above using dirty tricks and forbidden
strikes to serve the goal of total domination.
Where to obtain this style: Master Smiling Hawk, Black Leopard School, Imperial City.
Golden Star
Available upgrades: Damage Increase, Focus Cost Reduction, Speed Increase.
Drains Focus.
Forged under an auspicious comet, this staff was originally a gift for the Water Spirit
the Silkworm River. A young prince named Seng Lo sought to win the heart of the Water
and had the staff created as a gift. He then convinced the Great Eastern Serpent to
fly him
to the heavens, where he dipped the staff in the golden comet. The light of the comet
but the staff became more powerful than any before it. To this day no one knows if
Seng Lo
won the Water Spirit's heart, but there is no questioning the magnificence of the
staff he
Where to obtain this style: Weapon Master Gujin, Two Rivers.
Fortune's Favorite
Available upgrades: Damage Increase, Focus Cost Reduction, Speed Increase.
Drains Focus.
This long sword bears the mark of Shining Fortune, the blacksmith of the gods. Shining
weapons were so finely crafted that the gods forbade him from creating weapons
for anyone but
them. When his son was enlisted to subdue the barbarians from the west, Shining
Fortune forsook
his oaths and forged this marvelous long sword for his son. The gods cursed
Shining Fortune
for breaking his oath, and he was never again able to produce weapons of
any worth. Still,
the blade he made for his son never experienced defeat. It is truly Fortune's
Where to obtain this style: Weapon Master Gujin, Two Rivers.
Available upgrades: Damage Increase, Focus Cost Reduction, Speed Increase.
Drains Focus.
A strange weapon from a strange culture, Mirabelle is made of wood and steel and emits
and fire. Loud and ungainly (like its previous owner), Mirabelle is nonetheless capable
doing real harm at medium range. Etched with undecipherable symbols from the Outlander's
this weapon is a unique (and dangerous) trophy. The power of some enemies is such
that fate
itself turns away the cold, foreign steel that Mirabelle projects.
Where to obtain this style: Sir Lord Roderick Ponce von Fontlebottom the Magnificent Bastard,
Scholar's Garden, Imperial City.
Tang's Vengeance
Available upgrades: Damage Increase, Focus Cost Reduction, Speed Increase.
Drains Focus.
When Emperor Fong died without an heir, the Empire became fractured and divided. After
of war, Tang the Merciless rose to become the forerunner in the battle for the contested
of the Jade Empire. Tang's own father betrayed him into the hands of his enemies,
fearing that
his son's violent ways would ruin the Empire. Rumour has it that before he fled
into exile,
Tang the Merciless used these very axes to cut off his father's head. These devastating
remain extremely sharp, even after hundreds of years of use.
Where to obtain this style: The Ravager, Imperial Arena, Imperial City.
Ice Shard
Available upgrades: Lower Chi Cost, Damage Increase, Duration Increase.
Drains Chi. This style's Power Attack can initiate a Harmonic Combo that produces a
While many warriors swear by the power of Dire Flame, many others seek to master the powerful
Ice Shard. By using their Chi to summon forth the soul-chilling cold of the highest mountains,
masters of Ice Shard can send daggers of ice flying toward enemies, call a freezing ice storm
to slow their shivering foes, or even encase opponents in columns of ice before shattering
them with a single blow. Few fighters have the courage to stand up to the cold stare of an
Ice Shard master.
Where to obtain this style: Water Dragon's spirit, Spirit Caves, School.
Dire Flame
Available upgrades: Lower Chi Cost, Damage Increase, Duration Increase.
Drains Chi. This style's Area Attack can initiate a Harmonic Combo that produces a
Practitioners of Dire Flame can throw bolts of fire, project explosive fireballs, and even
summon dragon-like burning constructs that immolate enemies with tongues of flame. Sometimes
the sight of a fighter wielding the power of flame is enough to reduce the bravest of opponents
to begging for mercy.
Where to obtain this style: Water Dragon's spirit, Spirit Caves, School.
Stone Immortal
Available upgrades: Lower Chi Cost, Damage Increase, Duration Increase.
Resonance: Stronger when wielded by a follower of the Way of the Open Palm. Drains
This style's Power Attack can initiate a Harmonic Combo.
Fighters who study this style gain mastery over the ponderous element of earth, putting
mighty power of stone and crystal at their command. Masters of Stone Immortal have the
to attack enemies with crystalline missiles, encase foes in stone, or even open the
beneath an opponent's feet. To command the power of earth requires a mind centred
on balance,
stability, and order, and so Stone Immortal is a favoured style among followers
of the Way
of the Open Palm. It is far less effective if wielded by those who follow the
Way of the Closed
Where to obtain this style: Mistress Vo, Tien's Landing.
Available upgrades: Lower Chi Cost, Damage Increase, Duration Increase.
Resonance: Stronger when wielded by a follower of the Way of the Closed Fist. Drains
This style's Power Attack can initiate a Harmonic Combo that produces a Focus power-up.
Warriors proficient in Tempest have the winds at their beck and call. Fighters who have
this style and survived tell tales of blasts of gale-force winds and of powerful whirlwinds
that effortlessly sent them flying away from the Tempest master himself. Many practitioners
of Tempest face entire gangs without ever taking a wound, as the mighty winds at their command
keep their foes at bay. Warriors with the chill of the wind in their hearts find Tempest
easier to command, so it is the favoured style of the Way of the Closed Fist, and less
in the hands of those that follow the Way of the Open Palm.
Where to obtain this style: Jian the Iron Fist, Tien's Landing.
These styles allow you to take on the
of a demon, spirit, or golem , with all the benefits and penalties that are associated
the creature in question. Switching to some of these styles can be especially useful
for immediately
breaking the hold of a magic user, as demons and golems are intrinsically
immune to magic and
support styles. On the downside, you can't avail of one of these styles
for too long, as they
tend to consume a lot of Chi.
Toad Demon
Available upgrades: Chi Cost Reduction, Damage Increase, Chi Damage.
Removes negative effects (such as slow or paralysis). Drains Chi.
Toad demons may not be the most highly respected demons, but this style proves that they
not to be trifled with. A warrior using this style takes the hulking form of the deadly
demon, complete with the demon's clawed fingers and its punishing tongue attack. This
also makes the martial artist immune to all support styles, just like the toad demon
Where to obtain this style: Toad Demon, Cave, Swamp.
Horse Demon
Available upgrades: Chi Cost Reduction, Damage Increase, Chi Damage.
Removes negative effects (such as slow or paralysis). Drains Chi.
Powerful warriors can gain the power to take the form of the fearsome horse demon. This
grants the horse demon's legendary ferocity, as well as its mastery of the
element of fire
and its immunity to the effects of support styles. Faced with the immolating
brutality of the
horse demon, weak-willed foes cower in fear, helpless against the raging
Where to obtain this style: Horse Demon, Heaven.
Jade Golem
Available upgrades: Chi Cost Reduction, Damage Increase, Chi Damage.
Removes negative effects (such as slow or paralysis). Drains Chi.
This style imbues the martial artist with the style and form of the towering Jade Golem.
and terrifying, the Jade Golem mauls foes with brutal strikes and inhuman cunning,
and the
form's complete immunity to magic and martial styles makes it the perfect tactic
when facing
deadly sorcerers and certain demons.
Where to obtain this style: Inner Chambers, Lotus Assassin fortress.
Red Minister
Available upgrades: Chi Cost Reduction, Damage Increase, Chi Damage.
Removes negative effects (such as slow or paralysis). Drains Chi.
When an eminent sage dies, its spirit sometimes returns as a ghostly red minister. Taking
form of a red minister grants a warrior the nefarious ability to feed on an opponent's
force and the incorporeal spirit's immunities to weapons and support styles. Few people
this troubled age have the resilience to withstand the spine-chilling touch of a red minister.
Where to obtain this style: Spirit of Red Minister, Ruins of Dirge.
Spirit Thief
Available upgrades: Chi Damage, Duration Increase, Speed Increase.
Drains Chi from enemies. Does direct damage in Chi Strike mode. Spirit Thief's Power
inflicts damage but does not drain Chi in Chi Strike mode.
Those most adept at manipulating Chi find that even the spiritual energy of others is within
their grasp. The strikes and forms of the Spirit Thief style enable practitioners to tap
enemy's vital energies and refill their own reserves. While the techniques of this style
no physical damage to its victims without being charged with the user's Chi, those who
a Spirit Thief master find themselves without the resolve to put their hearts into the
Where to obtain this style: Hui the Brave, Tien's Landing.
See the Quandary Review of Jade Empire.
Copyright © Steve Metzler 2005.
All rights reserved.