
Skipper and Skeeto: The Great Treasure Hunt

Developer:  Ivanoff Interactive
Publisher:  GSP

Walkthrough by GSP (February, 2005)
Note: To collect forgotten moments search every screen with your magnifying glass. Once a forgotten moment appears put your magnifying glass away. Your cursor will change to a hand so you can take it and put it in your inventory.

1. Click on the Knight on the left in the Hall and pick up the Stone Amulet
2. Pick up the Piece of Paper on the bottom of the left column
3. Pick up the Matchbox on the bottom right of floor near the doorway
column (you will need to select your Magnifying Glass)
5. Go through the first door on the left into the Library
6. Pick up the Piece of Paper under the chair on the left
7. Go to Inventory
8. Drag the 2 Pieces of Paper together
9. Collect the Forgotten Moment at the back of the chair on the right
10. Pick up the Green Book just above left arm of the chair on the right
11. Pick up the Gold Key on right of fire surround
12. Go back to the Entrance Hall
13. Go through the second door on left into the Kitchen
14. Pick up the Spoon next to the cake
15. Pick up the Wick on the right hand ledge next to the oven
16. Use the Crowbar from the Inventory to open hatch in floor
17. Go through the hatch in the floor to enter the Wine Cellar
18. Pick up the Piece of Paper from case of wine in bottom right hand corner
19. Drag the Pieces of Paper together in the Inventory
20. Collect the Forgotten Moment to the left of the barrel
21. Pick up the Doll's Head on the top shelf to right, at back of room
22. Leave the Wine Cellar
23. Go back to the Entrance Hall
24. Go upstairs
25. Pick up the Broken Silver Key next to one of the left hand rungs on the staircase banister
26. Collect the Forgotten Moment, which is in the middle at the bottom of the screen
27. Go through the first door on left into the Observatory
28. Click on the Star at bottom of the table
29. Pick up the Small Gold Key
30. Use the book on the table to the right to place planets in the correct order:
    a. Mercury
    b. Venus
    c. Earth
    d. Mars
    e. Jupiter
    f. Saturn
    g. Uranus
    h. Neptune
    i. Pluto
31. Pick up the Forgotten Moment above the Sun, when complete
32. Pick up the Elastic Band from under the left of the right hand leg of the table
33. Leave room
34. Go through the 4th door from the left into the Living Room
35. Pick up the Green Bottle from table on the right
36. Pick up Rubber from Polar Bears mouth
37. Collect the Forgotten Moment from just above Polar Bear's head
38. Leave the room
39. Go through the 5th door from left into the Guest Room
40. Pick up the Piece of Paper from the bedside table by opening the drawer
41. Drag the Pieces of Paper together in the Inventory
42. Pick up the Blue Book from the shelf on the left
43. Pick up the Hammer Handle from under the chest of drawers on the left
44. Collect the Forgotten Moment at the top left of the chest of drawers
45. Leave the room
46. Go through the 6th Door from the left into the Count's Playroom
47. Click on the Dart Board
48. Get a bulls eye (use the left and right arrow keys to aim and hold down the spacebar to power the throw - the longer you hold the higher your throw. Release the spacebar to throw.)
49. Pick up the Small Gold Key which appears
50. Use the Small Gold Key on cupboard, DO NOT go through yet
51. Pick up the Wooden Handle from the pen holder on top of the cupboard
52. Pick up the Piece of Paper from the books in the middle of the shelf
53. Drag the Pieces of Paper together in the Inventory
54. Open the drawer under the sofa and close it
55. Pick up the Gold Key which has appeared under the sofa
56. Pick up the Y Shaped Stick under the cupboard
57. Leave the room
58. Go downstairs into the Entrance Hall
59. Go through the 1st door on the right into the Clock Tower Stairway
60. Pick up the Hammer Head on the 5th step up
61. Pick up the Piece of Paper on the left hand wall
62. Put the Stone Amulet in the hole in the pillar, DO NOT push yet
63. Go up the stairs
64. Put the Wooden Handle in the slot in the pillar
65. Pick up the Old Battery just behind Skipper
66. Go up the stairs into the Girl's Room
67. Pick up Doll's Body on chair behind Skipper
68. DO NOT look in Mirror
69. Use the Rubber on the diary that is on the desk
70. Pick up the Piece of Paper which falls out
71. Drag the Pieces of Paper together in the Inventory
72. Go under bed
73. Pick up the Spring in bottom right hand corner of screen
74. Collect the Forgotten Moment in top right corner of the screen
75. Go through the 3rd pane of glass from the left into the clock
76. Click on any of the bright stars when asked to
77. Each time collect the Forgotten Moment when they appear in the bottom right, when they stop appearing you can leave this area
78. Leave the Clock room
79. Leave the Girls Bedroom
80. Go back down stairs
81. Press the Stone Amulet in the Pillar, the stairs will move
82. Go down the stairs into the Crypt
83. Go to the Inventory on your tool bar at the bottom
84. Put the Wick from your inventory onto the lamp which is on the far right of the room in the middle
85. In the inventory, drag the Doll Head onto the Doll's Body
86. Click on the Magnifying Glass
87. Click on the Matchbox
88. Put the Magnifying glass away
89. Click on the Matchbox
90. A Match should appear next to the Matchbox
91. Drag the Match onto the Matchbox, this will light it
92. Close the Inventory and return back to the Crypt
93. Drag the Lit Match onto the Lamp which you just put the wick onto
94. The Crypt should now become lit
95. Put the Spoon from your Inventory onto the far right tomb
96. Put the Doll onto the second tomb from the right
97. Leave the Crypt and return back to the Entrance Hall
98. Use the Gold Key to open the 2nd right hand door and go into Banquet Room
99. Pick up the Piece of Paper from the bottom right table leg
100. Drag the Pieces of Paper together in the Inventory
101. Collect the Forgotten Moment from the far right chair
102. Put the Spring from the inventory onto skipper and he will jump onto the table
103. Pick up the Salami and Teeth
104. Go into the Inventory
105. Select the Magnifying Glass
106. Click on Teeth and Salami
107. Deselect the Magnifying Glass
108. Click on Salami and Teeth to separate them
109. Pick up Green Wine Bottle
110. Collect the Forgotten Moment in the bottom middle of table
111. Leave the room and return to the Entrance Hall
112. Go up the Main Stairway
113. Go through furthest door on the right hand side into the Count's Playroom
114. Click on Cupboard Door on the right hand side chest
115. Go through it into the Lumber Room
116. Pick up the Bugle under the Moose's chin
117. Pick up the Piece of paper in the hole in the chair to the right of the Moose
118. Drag the Pieces of Paper together in the Inventory
119. Collect the Forgotten Moment which is just above the Moose's nose
120. Click to the right of the room
121. Use the Old Computer to place the blocks in order of their atomic number under the skylight
122. Collect the Forgotten Moment to right of completed boxes
123. Go through the Skylight at the top of the boxes
124. Move across the roof in this order:
    a. Down
    b. Right
    c. Right
    d. Up
    e. Right
    f. Right
    g. Up
    h. Right
    i. Right
    j. Down
    k. Down
125. Leave by clicking on the skylight
126. Leave the Lumber Room
127. Leave the Count's Playroom
128. Go down the stairs to the Entrance Hall
129. Go through the 1st door on the right into the Clock Tower Stairway
130. Go down the stairs to the Crypt
131. Put the Bugle on the 3rd tomb from the right
132. Leave the Crypt
133. Return to the Entrance Hall
134. Go back up the Stairs
135. Go into the 4th door from the left into the Living Room
136. Click on the area behind the right hand sofa
137. Pick up the TV Bunny
138. Collect the Forgotten Moment which is in the middle of the right hand side
139. Click on the Door to open it
140. Give the Mouse the Teeth/Dentures you have in your inventory
141. The Mouse will give you a Coin
142. Leave this room
143. Leave the Living Room
144. Go back down stairs to the Entrance Hall
145. Go to the 1st door on the right
146. Go down stairs
147. Put the 10 pence on the 4th tomb from the right
148. Leave the Crypt
149. Go back to the Entrance Hall
150. Go through the 2nd door on the left into the Kitchen
151. (Don't forget to use your Forgotten Moments!) To use your Forgotten Moments, go into the inventory and keep clicking on the icon until your time is fully restored.
152. Go through the door at the back of the Kitchen to the Greenhouse
153. Put Elastic Band and Y Shaped Stick together in your Inventory
154. Use Y Shaped Stick to aim at the Tomato above the Killer Plant
155. Pick up the Bulb from the right of the screen
156. Put the Bulb in the pot at the back of the Greenhouse
157. A plant will grow, pick up the White Flower off this plant
158. Pick up the Yellow Flower from the back left of the room
159. Collect the Forgotten Moment just above Skeeto
160. Leave the GreenHouse
161. Leave the Kitchen
162. Go through 2nd door on the right into the Banquet Room
163. Put the White Exotic Flower in the expensive vase on the right
164. Pick up the Broken Silver Key from just in front of the vase
165. Put the Broken Silver Key parts together in the Inventory
166. Leave the room
167. Go up the stairs
168. Use the Silver Key to open the 2nd door from the left
169. Go onto the Count & Countesses room
170. Pick up the Piece of Paper from bottom right of the bed between the bed and beside table and floor
171. Drag the Pieces of Paper together in the Inventory
172. Collect the Forgotten Moment to left of the left hand bed post
173. Put the Magnifying Glass over the left hand pillow on the bed
174. You should hear a chime and a Gold Key will appear in your inventory
175. Use the Gold Key to open the left hand bedside cabinet drawer
176. Skipper will find a Needle in the Drawer
177. Leave the room
178. Go through the 3rd door on the left into the Stairwell
179. Go up the stairs
180. Use the Rune Book in your Inventory to enter the room: MXPFRX
181. Go through the door
182. Pick up the Green Bottle on the table
183. Leave the room
184. Go down the stairs
185. Go down the stairs to the Entrance Hall
186. Go through 1st door on the right into the Clock Tower Stairway
187. Go down the stairs into the Crypt
188. Put the Needle on the furthest left hand tomb
189. Leave the crypt
190. Return to the Entrance Hall
191. Go through the 1st door on the left into the Library
192. Put the Blue Book into the lower right hand book case
193. Go into the Lab
194. Use a lit match to light the Bunsen Burner on the left of the table
195. Pick up the Blue Filled Bottle from the right of the table
196. Leave the Lab
197. Leave the Library
198. Go through 2nd door on the left into the Kitchen
199. Go down the trap door into the Wine Cellar
200. Take the first Green Bottle and place it on the tap on the barrel, repeat with the other 2 Green Bottles you have
201. Go through the new hole in the barrel
202. Collect the Forgotten Moment bottom to the left of the bricked up door
203. Click on the Cat
204. Use the Hammer (Put the Hammer Head and Hammer Handle together in your Inventory) on the bottom middle brick
205. Place the Blue Nitro-glycerine in the whole created by the Hammer
206. Put the Old Battery into the TV Bunny in your Inventory
207. Put the TV Bunny on top of the Nitro-glycerine, the rabbit will walk towards it and blow it up
208. Go through the hole in the wall into the Sewer
209. Collect the Forgotten Moment just up and left of the circular hole on the middle
210. Go to the right
211. Put the Small Gold Key in the wall to the right
212. Collect the Forgotten Moment which is at the bottom middle of the screen
213. Go up the Ladder
214. Click on the Skeleton, he will run away
215. Click on the Yellow Block then the Green Block
216. Go down the Ladder
217. Go through the door to the left of the screen

In maze 1 follow:
    F, (Tooth)
    F, L, 1L, F, F, F, (Blue Key)
    B, B, B, B, 2L, F, F, (Tooth)
    F, F, (Green Key)
    B, B, B, B, B, 2R, F, R, L, (Tooth)
    B, R, (Silver Key)
    B, B, B, B, B, F (Tooth)
    R, R, F, F, L, F, F, (Red Key)
    F, L, F, F, R, (Tooth)
    R, F, F, L, (Tooth)
    R, (Gold Key)
    B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B
    L, 2R, F, L, (Tooth)
    R, R, F, F, F (END)

In maze 2 follow: (N.B. This may not be the quickest route?!)
    L, F, (Tooth)
    F, L, (Blue Stone)
    B, B, B, B
    R, R, R, 2L, (Green Stone)
    R, R, (Red Stone)
    B, B, B, B, B, B
    L, R, L, (Tooth)
    R, F, (Tooth)
    R, (Tooth)
    B, B, B, B, B, B
    R, R, R, L, L, (Tooth)
    L, R, L, (Tooth)
    F, (Gold Key)
    B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B (This should be the start!)
    L, F, F, R, (Tooth)
    F, (Silver Stone)
    B, B, B, B, R, L, R, F, R
    F, F, R, (Tooth)
    L, R, R, (Gold Stone)
    F, R (END)

Throw the teeth that you have collected at the skeleton. Use the arrow/crosshairs to aim.

Skipper and Skeeto walkthrough courtesy of GSP.

See the Review of Skipper & Skeeto: The Great Treasure Hunt.

Copyright © GSP 2005. All rights reserved.